Chapter 8

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A/N: This chapter will focus on a Katelyn + Jeffory Shipping, or Jefflyn! (This is my favorite ship throughout MC Diaries and MyStreet, so expect it to be long, very long.) Anyway, sorry for not updating in a while, I've been trying to catch up on school work, I'm a teenage girl who sits in her room reading, trying to ignore homework(bad idea). I have a life outside of Wattpad. Also, my birthday is the 22nd of April, I'll be turning fourteen this year, and to anyone whose birthday is today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!(Don't know why, but whenever I think of the phrase 'Happy Birthday,' I think of Frosty the Snowman... *Says with sarcastic voice* Hmm, I wonder why..?)

Jeffory's Pov

I don't know if it was just my mind messing with or something, but I could've sworn I saw something in Katelyn's eyes. Something more than just happiness that I agreed to being their friend. On her first day, when I walked into science, as soon as she saw me, her eyes shared her emotions with me: curiosity, as to who I was; hope, that she could be my friend someday; fear, I don't think she knew why she was afraid, could it be she likes me?

Whatever the case, I saw the same things, today; however, this time, instead of fear, I think it was nervousness. It seemed as if she didn't have any idea what to say. If she really does like me, she has no idea how to hide it, hadn't she ever felt this way about anyone before? I think she might not have ever liked a guy before, sure, seeing as she has no sisters, she must normally hang out with guys, so if she had felt that way before, she'd probably be able to hide it. My thoughts are beginning to add up: Katelyn must like me, because it's pretty obvious she doesn't know how to hide it. I know she has a class that we have together that none of the others have, not even her brothers. It should be a good time to talk to her. If I could get into the desk beside hers, that is. Normally, Travis gets there first. Today, though, I got there before him, Katelyn was there before I arrived in the classroom. YES! I got here before Travis! When Travis arrived in the class, he was surprised. I never made it to math before Travis, because I hate math. Then I saw what I thought to be a slight hint of annoyance, because he always sat in this seat. He let it slide though, I guess he thought it'd be a one time thing, as I never did like sitting in the front row of any class.

Next Day(Friday), Same Pov

Travis beat me to math today, but Katelyn told him he couldn't sit where he normally did, as the seat was already taken. He was about to ask her who when I walked in and she waved at me.

"Hi, Jeffory," she said. By this time, Travis was sitting behind her.

"Hey, Katy," I said. People don't normally call her this except people who she's really close to, such as her brothers. Travis must have thought I would get knocked out by her, because she hates it when most people call her Katy. When I didn't get punched, or even smacked, he was shocked. (Travis' face: .o.) I could only imagine what he was thinking, Travis and Katelyn talk a lot, because he often hangs out with Tony and Jay, yet he only called her Katy once, and he realized the mistake he'd made when he got punched in the stomach. Katy and I had only been hanging out in Math class for two days, and I never saw her without her brothers in any other place, she was always with them... well, most of the time.

However, yesterday, I walked up to her, calling her Katy, and she didn't do anything to me, neither of us saw Tony or Jay, and when I started to head to lunch, I heard her brothers questioning her about why she didn't do anything to me when I called her that. They ended up getting into a full-fledged conversation. Today, I sat down at the lunch table across from Tony and Jay, and when Katelyn came over after getting her food, she sat beside me. Tony gave me a 'Don't-ever-hurt-my-sister-or-you-will-die' sort of look, while Jay just glared at me. Aphmau saw this look and glanced at Katelyn and I. 

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