Happy Valentines Day!

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(Import) A/N: Just putting this out there, this chapter is just a filler, it is a completely optional read!
Also, this chapter will completely be in Aph's Pov, which is not how the story is intended to be, but, since it's a filler, it doesn't matter! Also, spoilers for what happens in Chapter 6 will be here, so, if you don't want the main details of next chapter spoiled, wait until Chapter 6 is out, read Chapter 6, then come back to read this one! Hopefully, the next chapter will be out later today or tomorrow afternoon, so enjoy your stay in the plot line of our story! On with the story!

Take caution as you read, there are spoilers for an upcoming chapter are here!

Aphmau's Pov

I woke up this morning, smiling. Today was one of my favorite days, it was February 14th, and everyone knows what that means: VALENTINES DAY! I picked out a cute outfit that I personally thought would suit this day well: 

 Today was one of my favorite days, it was February 14th, and everyone knows what that means: VALENTINES DAY! I picked out a cute outfit that I personally thought would suit this day well: 

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I think this'll do! I exclaimed silently. I got the outfit on and was ready for school and then I realized... Oh, yeah, it's Sunday... Well, I guess I could play some Minecraft, and maybe Skype Chat with my friends. I liked that idea, so I got my laptop out, and set it up. I opened up Minecraft and while I waited for it to load, I pulled up Zane, Kawaii~Chan, and Katelyn on Skype:


A: "Hey, guys!"
KC: "Hi, Aphmau~Senpai"
K: "Hey, Aph."
Z: "Hey, Aphmau, what's up?"
A: "Nothing, really, just wanted to know if you guys wanted to play some PixelPainters on HyPixel?"
Z: "I'd love to!"
KC: "Kawaii~Chan will join you, for sure!"
K: "Count me in."

We played until we got bored.

KC: "Anyone else bored of PixelPainters, or is Kawaii~Chan the only one?"
A: "I'm getting pretty tired of it as well..."
Z: "I'm feeling kind of bored as well." We waited a moment for Katelyn to respond, but heard nothing from her.
KC, A, and Z: "Katelyn!?"
K: "Huh!? What? I'm awake!"
A: "Uhm, Katelyn, have you been sleeping the entire time?"
K: "W-what?! NO! ... Well, kind of..."
KC: "Wow, Kawaii~Chan is actually pretty disappointed that Katelyn~Sana fell asleep on us..."

The chat went on for a while, as we had nothing better to do. Then Katelyn suggested something:

K: "Why don't we all ride our bikes down to the skate park?"
Z: "You do know how often Gene is there, right?"
K: "Yeah, so what? It's a skate park, everyone is allowed there no matter what, right?"
KC: "Kawaii~Chan doesn't have a bike."
A: "..."
Z: "......"
K: "... Well this is awkward..."
Z: "Do you have a skate board?"
A: "Or scooter?" (Talking about this:

"Z: "Do you have a skate board?"A: "Or scooter?" (Talking about this:

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not this:

Just putting that out there so you know

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Just putting that out there so you know.)

KC: "No..."
K: "Have you ever ridden a bike?"
KC: "Yes."
KC: "It's too small..."
K: "...*Takes deep breath to try and calm down* Does anyone have a spare bike?"
A: "She could use Rebecca's, I'm sure she wouldn't mind. Let me ask her. *Aphmau leaves room and her voice can be heard faintly.* -15 seconds later- *Aphmau walks back into room.* Rebecca says you can use hers, as long as your careful."
KC: "Kawaii~Chan promises to be as careful as she can!"
K: "All right, then. That's settled. Meet you guys there in about 15 minutes."
*Katelyn Has Left the Group Chat*
Z: "It's a good thing you and Aph live across the street from one another, Kawaii~Chan, otherwise, you two would probably be late."
*Zane Has Left the Group Chat*
*Kawaii~Chan Has Left the Group Chat*

A few minutes later, Aph and Kawaii~Chan caught up with Zane on the way to the skate park.

(The author has been to a skate park only twice and the last time was 4 years ago, so... yeah...)

After the skate park, the group went for Ice Cream at the nearby Baskin Robins. They ate their Ice Cream, then went back to Katelyn's place, as it was the nearest place.

"Wow, your place is nice," I state.

"Kawaii~Chan agrees!" (You guys all know who talks in third person.)

"Yeah, well this is where I live, I'm close to the skate park, I have my bike, and my mother's always there for me, so, I'm happy. It's not like back in my old village, but it's good."

Zane, Aphmau, and Katelyn watch a horror film while Kawaii~Chan cowers in a back corner of the room, terrified. (Wait what? Where did I get the idea of a horror film on Valentines Day? I'm confusing myself!)

At the end of the day they all head back home, and have dinner(they had lunch at Katelyn's place). 

A/N: Sorry if it's not very well done, and doesn't seem like a Valentines Day Special, I don't normally write stuff like this, I hope to do better with the next holiday: Easter! Also my birthday will be around that time: I'm turning 14 on April 22nd, 2016! Anyway, BYEEEEEEEEE!

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