Chapter 6: New Students & First Kiss!<3

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A/N: Hey, guys! So very sorry for not updating for a while, like I said, I have a Science Fair Project that I need to work on. Sorry for cutting the last chapter short, I had been working on it for a long time and I got tired of it, *says under breathe: I also couldn't come up with any more ideas for that chapter.* But that out of the way, lets begin! BTW both the new characters' names begin with a 'K,' and until the introduce themselves, they will be known as '???1' and '???2'!

???1's Pov

"Katelyn," I heard my mother call my name cheerfully. "Get up, today you begin going to a new school!" (Okay, that wasn't as sudden as I thought it would be... Also, as a quick note, I don't know the actual names of Katelyn's 5 brothers, nor if any of them are twins or triplets, but we're gonna say Katelyn is part of a set of triplets, and her brothers' names are going to be:Katelyn's Triplets:
Tony, Jay
Katelyn's Other Bros:
Carson, Tyler, Henry)

I sat up in my bed. I was tired, yet I got up anyway. I was kind of nervous, but mostly excited about the possibility of making new friends "I'm up!"

I hear her shout at my brothers to get up as well. Tony and Jay are my triplets, as well as my best friends. When we're at school, you'll never catch the three of us apart except when we have different classes. Tony and Jay's room is twice as big as mine, but I'm okay with that, because they have to share a room. (Carson is a 5th grader, Tyler is a freshman and Henry is a senior in high school.)

???2's Pov(This one I feel will be pretty obvious so, you know what, I'm not even going to try to be sudden with this person.)

*Alarm clock buzzes*

Squee! New school! Kawaii~Chan is so excited! I immediately closed my laptop and hopped off my bed as soon as I heard the sound, I had actually been awake for a few hours, but I couldn't fall back asleep, so I had gotten on my computer to play some Minecraft. I got ready for school and when it was time, I left the house. I used my phone's GPS app to find my way to the school.

When I got to school, I went straight to the office to get my schedule and locker combo. Once I put my stuff in my locker, I tried asking someone where my class was located, but he got really nervous. Then a girl came up to put her stuff in her locker, and when she saw the boy I asked my question to, she spoke.

"Hey, Zane," she said. I guess she must have thought that I was just a figure of her imagination, because she acted as if I wasn't really there.

"Hi, Aph," Zane said. "Uhm, is it just me, or do you see a girl with cat ears and a tail, too?"

"Uhm... I thought I just imagined she was there..?"

"That's what everyone thinks when they first meet Kawaii~Chan," I say, smiling.

"... Uhm," the girl said. "Oh, I'm sorry, where are my manners. My name's Aphmau, but you can call me Aph."

"I'm Kawaii~Chan. I asked your friend a question, but he seems very shy..."

"Oh, sorry about that. He gets picked on a lot, so he gets nervous easily."

"What?! That's awful! Does anyone ever stand up for him?"

"Well, yeah. I do, he's my best friend. And what's with the odd accessories?"

"Accessories? What accessories?"

"The ears and tail."

"Oh, they aren't accessories."


"My ears and tail are actually real, I'm a meif~wa."

"What's a meif~wa?"

"It's basically a human with cat-like features, such as ears and a tail."

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