Chapter Five, Part 1 of 2

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Zane's Pov

YES! NO SCHOOL FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS TODAY! Perfect day to hang out with Aph-

My thoughts were interrupted by Garroth shouting at me.


Right, today everyone is bringing they're middle school siblings to high school... *Sigh* "Okay, getting ready," I say in an annoyed tone.

"Don't use that tone with me!"

"I'm sorry, I just planned to hang out with Aph today."

"What? Is she like your girlfriend?!"


"Right, right. Sorry, I forgot that YOU'RE SOCIALLY AWKWARD!"

"Guys," we heard a small voice and look down to see our 5th grade brother, Vylad. "What's wrong?"

Vylad's Pov

"Uhm, no-nothing," Zane said.

"Are you sure? I thought I heard Garroth say something about a girlfriend?"

"SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND," Zane shouted, storming into his bedroom.

"What's his problem?"

"Oh," Garroth says. "It's nothing really, Zane's just picking a fight he can't win on his own!"

"Oh, well that's Zane for you," I say, walking back to my room, toy dinosaur in hand.

Zane's Pov

I ran and hid in my closet.

She's not my GIRLFRIEND! She's just a friend! R-right? Ugh! I DON'T KNOW! MY OWN THOUGHTS ARE BETRAYING ME! I don't know what to think anymore! Sure, I like her, but, I don't know how to talk to girls like that! I stutter and stammer way too much! Why can't I just tell her how I feel!? I've tried, but failed, a million times. UGH!

Garroth walked into the room, I hadn't noticed, but it'd been 15 minutes since I had stomped away from him.

"Z-Zane? I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go off on you like that."

"No, it's fine," I say, walking out of the closet. "Let's get to school."

"I just find it odd that your only friend is a girl, though."

"So now I can't hang out with my only friend?"

"You can still hang out with her, though, with how often you guys hang out, I swear there's something going on between you two..."

"Wha-what!? What're you talking about?!"

"Hey, calm down, Baby Brother! I'm only messing with you!"

I hope he is. Okay Zane, just... stay calm, don't freak out. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. Okay, I think I'm calm now. "So, are we gonna go, or what?"

"Wow, you are doing really well with managing your stress lately," Garroth stated.

"Meh... I do it for Aph-"

"Knew it!"

"Knew what?"

"You like her!"

"Wh-WHAT!?? N-no I don't! At least not in th-that way!"

"Hmm... Let me see? You did the talent show with her, even though you have stage fright."

"So? Do you honestly expect me to just let her perform a two part song on her own!?"

"You go to her house after school. Almost everyday."

"So what, she's my friend!"

"Your always talking about how kind she is, helping others out whenever she can."

"But that's exactly who she is, she has a gentle, kind soul."

"See, there you go again, talking about her in the best possible way."

"S-so what? It's... just her being... her... yeah, I see what you mean, but what kind of evidence do you have to support this thesis?"

"This picture." Garroth showed me the picture I KNEW  Rebecca had taken the night I stayed at Aph's place.

"Uhm... Where'd you get this picture?"

"I promised I wouldn't tell or show... you... the picture......... oops..."

"You got it from Rebecca, didn't you?"

"N-no, heh heh. Where would you get that idea from..?"

Zane's face looks like this right now: -_-

"Me and Aph watched her run back down the stairs."

"O-oh... well then, that's probably why she told me not to show you."

(Skip to when they're at School, Still Zane's Pov)

"Wow. I honestly believe this is the largest building I've ever seen," I stated.

"You sure I won't get lost in this school," I heard a familiar female voice say, though it's faint.

"Wait," I say. "Does Rebecca go to this school?"

"Yeah," I heard another familiar voice, and look to my left to see Laurance(Yes, I did, but didn't mean to, ignore that Laurance is a character in this story.)

"Laurance!? When did he get here?"

"Laurance lives across the street from the school," Garroth replied. "So he shows up around me at any time, I've kind of gotten used to him jumping up behind me and scaring me."

"In fact," Laurance continued. "Garroth's locker is in between my locker and Rebecca's."

"Wait," I say. "Does that mean, Aphmau's here?"

"Hey, Garroth, Laurance," I heard Rebecca, and look to where the voice came, she was already by the school entrance. "Come on, you two! If you don't hurry up, you're gonna be late!"

YES! She's here! Best trip ever, I celebrated silently, as I didn't want to spark up that conversation again, not in public.

When we got inside, we went to the auditorium for an assembly, when the principal explained what was going to happen today. After that we went to the lockers so the high school students could get what they needed for  first period: Garroth had SCIENCE! I love science... and so does Aph, though her favorite is math. (The author actually doesn't know if that's completely accurate.) Does Rebecca have Science first period, too?

Sure enough, she did! And there were extra desks at the back of the class. I sat next to Aph, whom saw a pair of students passing notes.

"I once heard that high school teachers have the best hearing," she whispered pointing at the two.

I looked where she was pointing and saw them. "Let's test that theory," I whisper back to her.

She timed it just right, then dropped her pencil. The teacher looked back and immediately caught the two passing the paper.

"You were right, Aph. High School teachers really are the teachers with the best hearing."

Sorry for this being a two part chapter, I really need some sleep. It's 12:30 AM, half an hour after midnight! Anyway, I need to catch some 'Z's, until next time, this is Faith signing out, GOOD NIIIIIGHT!

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