Chapter Five, Part 2 of 2

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Like I said in part one of this chapter, I really needed to put a chapter up, trying to update everyday. Also, I could've been working on this all day but no(It's now been three days since I wrote this A/N). I had to clean my room, catch up on school work, and I had to get some sleep last night. I literally slept until noon today! Yeah, I know, it's crazy! I'm just glad I live in America, it's Presidents Day! NO SCHOOL! I can relax and write my story. If your wondering why I'm telling you all this, it's because, whenever I'm sad, I express myself in my writing, or art, or building any redstone contraptions in Minecraft(My use is ShorestarGamer, so if you want to, add me as a buddy on Hypixel, always looking for new pals!) Ugh, I'm rambling, on with th story...

Zane's Pov

When Garroth and Rebecca got out of Science, Aph and I had to part ways, Rebecca had Gym, while Garroth had Language Arts. We saw each other at the lockers, though.

"Alright, boys," Rebecca said. "I will see you two in Math. See ya later, Garroth. Come on Aph, Laurance, let's get to the gym."

We separated, while Garroth got a giant FREAKING SHAKESPEARE BOOK out of his locker. "Whoa," I say. "What's with the large book?!"

"Oh, we're practicing for the school play in Language Arts. This year, we're doing 'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark.'"(Sorry, the author finds Shakespeare's works amazing, she had to do it. Wait, why am I talking third person?! If you haven't read the Valentines Special, wait till next chapter's out, your clue is third person point of view, lets see how many can figure it out.)

"Okay, then..?"

Skip to When they Leave the School('Cause I'm getting bored of writing this chapter...)

A/N: Okay, good enough, you know what happens next, they go home, the high school students do their homework. I AM DONE WITH THIS CHAPTER! Sorry it took so long to get it out, but I had to catch up on my Science Fair Project, as I was falling behind. I was staying after school, I'm still staying after school, so don't expect me to update as often, I am doing my best. But anyway, as always, this is Shorestar signing out, see you all next time, BYEEEEEEEE!

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