Bailey'sMom:Oh you really have to go? Cmon you live next door and we share the same backyard..
Sean:oh yeah..
Kylie:you can stay for a bit.. guys are new anyways.
Bailey:*mouths to sean* What!?
Sean:*mouths* sorry!
Brittney:c'mon Sean and Bailey..lets go upstairs to our room.
Sean:wait what...
Brittney:*leads them both to room* okay you kids just talk..ill make snacks..
Bailey:awe okay thanks sissy!*fake smiles*
*brittney goes out*
Bailey:oh hell no your not hanging with me for the next hour.
Sean:what are we gonna do now! Obviously you don't want to be stuck with me here!
Bailey: *looks at card taped to cookie box* *reads aloud* From the Lew Family.. Haha you wrote this!
Sean:and how'd you know?*smirks*
Bailey:ugh what else? Number 1:crappy writing.. Number 2:no greetings
Sean:lol fine..I wrote that.
*both of them realize*
Bailey:wtf are we doing?*laughs*
Sean:*laughs* haha were becoming closer?
Bailey:nope! I still hate you.
Sean:why do you hate me by the way? It's only your 1st day.. your really want to know?
Sean:fuck yeah!
Bailey:okay...if you say so..
Well,when I arrived at the school you were all flirty and stuff..and I was too..then after you did it to me I realized it was not cool so I started getting creeped out..Tati also told me about you...sluts? Sorry no offense..and that you always drink and make out with random girls all the time..and I didn't want to be one of them so I decided to avoid ex was exactly like you...*looks down*
Sean:look Bailey..I can be called LB,Slut,FBoy,and other stuff but I still have feelings..and I was drunk when I made out with those girls..
Bailey:that's the same excuse my ex used on me..
Sean: do you wanna talk about it?
Bailey:yeah sure...
It was my 14th birthday and I lived in Korea then,I had a boyfriend named tristian and he was the world to me..he was the one who always stood up for me..he kept me happy and always puts a big smile on my face until I found out that he cheated on me with this other girl..I was so sad then I didn't even want to take classes in Korea anymore..
Sean:that sounds bad..
Bailey:that's why I avoided you..
Sean:Bailey I'm sorry....
Bailey:don't be..hey? But maybe your kind of KIND OF not that bad after all?
Sean:you sure?
Sean:*winks* *tries to be cute and all that*
Bailey:it's not working Sean...
Sean:I was joking*laughs*
Brittney opens door*
Britney:hey's lunch..*puts chipotle in front of them*
Bailey:omg chipotle! Thanks sis!
Sean:Thanks Brittney!
Brittney:I'll just be downstairs..
*walks out*
Sean:so there's a party tomorrow and..
Bailey:*puts hand on Sean's shoulder* I don't drink,nor makes out with guys..
Bailey:thanks for the invite tho..
*after eating*
Sean:do you think Tati will be mad if she finds out I'm at your place?
Sean:are you gonna tell her?
Sean:you little!
Bailey:*peels into laughter* lol
Sean:yeah I think I should go now..
Bailey:ugh finally!
Sean:haha bitch!
Sean:*about to crawl out window* tell me if you change your mind about the party..
Bailey:I don't even have your number!
Sean:*gives her paper* bye..
Bailey: wait!
Bailey:*secretly carries thumper behind her* *pretends to lean for a kiss*
Bailey:yeah why?
Sean:closes eyes*
Bailey:*lets thumper kiss sean*
Sean:*freaks out* what was THAT!?
Bailey:*laughs* lol okay bye Hun.
Bailey:*okay WTF did I just call him?!*
*opens paper*
"number: +1 ********** -SeanLew1125 lol I text back"
I smile a little..but I still don't like Sean as a crush..okay I'll admit..maybe 2% he's a cool guy..if only he wasn't such a douche..

FanfictionBecause you're the kind of guy who would laugh at me when I fall,but help me up and whisper, "it's okay,I still love you" Read the next book titled:#Sealey|Book2 Thanks for the 3k Views! Hope that will be the same w/my other book❤️