Bailey pov:
It was raining hard and it was so difficult to run in heels as well so I just ran barefoot. I stepped on some rocks which kinda hurt,but guess what? Now my dress is soaking wet and so is my hair.when I finally arrived home, I sat down on my doorstep waiting for someone to come home to open the freaking door.
Sean pov:
I didn't care about the prom anymore and I just hopped onto my car and drove off without telling anyone. Few minutes later see Bailey sitting by her doorstep half awake and I just ran to her.
Bailey:Sorry I don't wanna talk.
Bailey:okay Sean. What do you have to say now?
Sean:Let's go inside my house.
Bailey:that's so not happening.
She looked at me with a straight face and I just carried her. She tried to get down but I held her really tight.
Bailey:Hey! Let me down!
Before she could even kick me I dropped her on the couch.
Bailey:Sean I'm wet!
Sean:who cares.
*runs upstairs*
Bailey:wtf sean!
*runs down*
I hand Bailey a shirt and it was pretty baggy.but I thought she would look cute on it.
Sean:take it.
I hand her the shirt then she just grabs it from me.
Sean:no thank you?
Sean:haha like your first day of school huh?*points on his cheek*
*sean continues to point*
Bailey:thirsty much?
Bailey pov:
Bailey:I'll change in the bathroom. Give me a minute.
While I was in the bathroom I realized I couldn't reach my zipper...and Tati is the one who zipped it up for me..
Bailey:hey is Serris here?
Sean:nope. No one is.
Bailey:you sure?
Sean:yeah no one is here.
Oh god ..don't tell me I have to..
Bailey:can you come here?
He walks towards me while eating some cookies.
Bailey:can you? *points at zipper*
Sean pov:
Bailey:yeah I know..JUST DO IT.
I pull down the zipper and see her skin I just pause for a moment and blush.
Bailey:wth why are you blushing? Just remove it already!
I unzip it real fast until I accidentally hurt her.
Bailey:ouch!*slaps Sean's hand*
Bailey pov:
I remove the dress and put on the shirt and it was real baggy.. How could Sean even fit in this freaking thing?
I grab one of the cookies from his hands and eat one and he just stares at me in a creepy way.
Sean:I was here the whole time and-
Bailey:just forget you ever saw that.
I walk out of the bathroom and sat on the couch. The shirt was pretty long so it was like a dress for me.
I realized I was wearing a shirt that spelled out "Beckham"
Bailey:omg Sean! Wth am I wearing?
Sean:what? Oh that..
Bailey:is this your dads or something?
Sean:fine,I'll get you another.
*runs upstairs*
He drops it from the top of the staircase and I catch it.
I change my clothes into that one and I think the second shirt was way better.problem is that it had that boy perfume scent. Ugh. My mortal enemy.
Bailey:you know...I haven't heard that sorry yet right?
Sean:yeah..I'm so sorry about awhile ago..and what you said about you liking me? *smirks*
Bailey:duh idiot.why would I ever kiss a guy who I don't like.
Sean:oh...but hey, wanna bake something?
Bailey:I don't see why not.
Sean hands me an apron and he ties it. He's so sweet. We prepare all the ingredients.
Flour,baking soda,sugar,food coloring,egg,water, etc.
I could tell that Sean loves to cook as much as he loves to dance.him winning chopped junior is amazing.
He set aside the tray and ordered me to do stuff. I put all the liquid ingredients together and he poured all the powdery ones to the mix.
After baking, we sat down in the couch and ate.
Bailey:that was fun.
He gets some frosting off his cupcake and rubs it on my cheek while I put some on his nose.
I grab some extra flour and put it on his hair and he gets whipped cream and frosts my whole head.
After a few minutes of messing around, Serris walks in the house with Sarah.
Serris and Sarah walked upstairs and we both laugh.
Sean:hey..can I ask you something?
Sean:would you do the honors of being my Best friend that's a girl?
Bailey:aren't we already?
He gives me a very warm smile and kisses me for 2 seconds.
Sean:haha my BFF I can kiss.
Bailey:whatever biotch. *playful slap*
Sean:Bailey Sok?
I look over at him and he pulls out a box.
My eyes became big and he removed one of those pandora bracelets that you can customize..and Bruh that's pricy.. (My sister has one that's $250 )
Bailey:awe thanks!
I have Sean a hug for a good 10 seconds and he puts it on me. I has my initials on it and his.. BDS,SCL It also has a couple of charms.
Bailey:that's so sweet of you!
Sean:glad you like it.
Bailey:are you kidding!? I love it!
I hugged him again but this wasn't any hug. My face was so close to his and our necks pressed together. I felt like I had butterflies on my stomach.
Sean:you're not any kind of girl Bailey..that's why I gave this to you.
Bailey:*smiles* you out a big smile on people's faces Sean. And I have something for you.
I grab his head and wrap both my arms around his neck and sits on his laps. I gave him a kiss but this time this kiss was different.i really loved Sean.i didn't care if he did all those mistakes anymore. Then, he wraps his arms around my waist then Serris sees us without us knowing.
I stop and sit down on the couch and wave at Serris more embarrassed than I've ever been.
Serris:yeah nugget?
Sean:Whatever you saw-
Serris:it's okay. Lol I get it. Your my little brother who's growing up. Bruh your 16 and I'm 19 now.
She gives us a smile and walks back upstairs.
Bailey:it's getting late and-
Sean:c'mon. I'll drop you home.
We walked to my house and I open the door and see something that brings me to tears.tears of joy.
Bailey'sDad:hello Bailey!
I give my dad a hug.i haven't seen him in 4 months and Sean just stands there and smiles.
Sean:Hi Mr.Sok.
Bailey'sDad:an you are?
Sean:Sean Lew.
Bailey:he's my best friend who lives right across us daddy.
Bailey'sDad:well nice to meet you Sean. You know..we're going to a theme park tomorrow and Bailey could bring a friend so?
Sean:I'm up for it.
Bailey:yay! Thank you Dad!
Sean:well,Goodnight Bailey and Mr.Sok.
Bailey'sDad:Goodnight Sean.
Both of them wave and I wave at Sean too.
I close the door and my dad smiles.
Bailey'sDad:he's a nice guy.
Bailey:very.but I'm glad you're home daddy.
Bailey'sDad:I missed you little one.I like Sean a lot too. He would make a great friend for my little girl.
Bailey:awe thanks daddy.Comment📱 And Like💕😘 For More! Who do you ship?

FanfictionBecause you're the kind of guy who would laugh at me when I fall,but help me up and whisper, "it's okay,I still love you" Read the next book titled:#Sealey|Book2 Thanks for the 3k Views! Hope that will be the same w/my other book❤️