I woke up and Got ready for school today,I actually didn't want to talk to Sean for now or it will be so obvious we were with each other yesterday..
*at school*
Sean:Hey Bailey!
Instead of talking to him,I just gave him a wave and a smile and all the other boys wondered why I'm being less rude to sean..should I tell Tati?
*during class*
Bailey:Hey Tati I need to talk to you later.
Hello my name is Ms.Smith and today we will be discussing about constellations..
Sean POV:
This class is so shitty..I looked around the room and spotted Tatiana and Bailey..she seems so into stars..but I like Bailey as a friend/crush..
*after class*
Bailey:Can I tell you now?
Bailey:I think you will hate me after telling you this..
Bailey:I hung out with Sean yesterday..
Bailey:it wasn't my fault..he wanted to send cookies and he ended up staying over for the past hour and turns out he's my neighbor..
Bailey:well..he's okay..
Tati:Bailey!? What has gotten into you?! And your okay that a Lover Boy lives right across you!? What if you get hurt?
Bailey:but I-
Tati:No Bailey..I told you those bad things about the squad for a reason.. Not because I like them... The total opposite..
Bailey:why do you hate them so much?
Tati:something happened and you don't wanna know..*walks away* traitor..
Bailey pov:
I should have never told her..I feel like I have no friends now..it's only my second day and now I'm left with Sean..who's not even my friend..
*starts to cry*
*gabe hears Bailey crying*
Gabe:*walks past Bailey not knowing what to do* um-
Gabe pov:
Bailey looked up at me and she was full of tears..Tati wasn't with her..no one was so I decided to do the right thing instead of being so Flirty and stuff..
Gabe:what happened?
Bailey:Why would I tell you? You'll just tell Tati.
Gabe:do you want me to call Sean?
Bailey:*nods head no*
Gabe:your not close to him huh?
Bailey:not really..I don't like guys like him..
Gabe:hang on..I'm still calling him..*walks to cafeteria*
Kenneth:oh hey Gabe
Josh:sup Gabe
Gabe:have you guys seen Sean?
Will:*rolls eyes* if you wanna know..don't ask me..
Kenneth:he's with the 2 girls at the back..
Gabe:seriously??*walks to the back of the school* *sees Sean with Lexee and jordyn*
Sean:what are you doing here?
Gabe:I think someone needs you..
Gabe:*mouths* Bailey...
Sean:why should I do that? She hates me..*laughs a little*
Gabe:no dude seriously..she's crying hard...
Sean:I'll be back..take me to her..
*walks with sean*
Sean:Bailey are you okay?
I see Bailey sobbing like crazy...her shirt is full of tears and her face is red..
Bailey:*hugs Gabe for 1 second*th-thank you...Sean..can you bring me home?
Sean:but you will miss school and so will I..
Bailey:fine..ill walk...*stands up* *picks up things*
Sean:no let me take you...*carries baileys things*
*at Sean's car*
Bailey didn't sit in the passenger seat like I hoped she would but she sat at the back..
Bailey:*puts seatbelt on*sean..this is going to be a one time thing okay??
Sean:the ride?
Bailey: uh huh...*wipes tears*
Sean:okay...*looks down* *starts to drive*
*at baileys house*
*tries to open door* no ones home...
Sean:let's go..*walks with Bailey to his place* my sisters can take care of you..
Serris:UGH SEAN!? And girl...*smirks at sean*
Sean:can you take care of her?
Sean:I'll be back..I just need to do some stuff..
Sean:*smiles* *leaves*
Serris:so..what's your name?
Bailey:Bailey,Bailey Sok..
Serris:I'm Sean's sister..Serris.
Bailey:sorry to ask but..why is Sean such a douche?
Serris:you mean the you know what?
Serris:I'm not actually sure...why? What's he like?
Bailey:you know..the flirty type..
Serris:yeah..has he ever done it to you?
Bailey:yeah..a lot..
Serris:well..before he was all crazy and that..he was a great kid..
Bailey:really huh?
Serris:yup..don't tell him..*brings Bailey inside Sean's room* see..*shows pictures*
Bailey pov:
I looked at some of the pictures and he was such a happy kid before but what happened?
Serris:is this you?*hands photo*
Bailey:sure is..
Serris:your not interested in him or anything?
Bailey:*nods head*no...
Serris:yeah my brother is into different girls..but why did he bring you here? Your so different..
Bailey:I have no idea..
Serris:let's get you cleaned up?
Bailey:okay thanks..
Serris:*hands clothes to bailey* here you go..
Bailey:thanks so much Serris! *changes*
Serris:*gives Bailey sweater* you can have it all..
Serris:they look good on you..
Sean:hey Bailey uh--
*looks at Bailey top to bottom*
Bailey:what's wrong?
Sean:who picked theses clothes for you?
Sean:if you wanna take my clothes you owe me a Kiss right here..*points on cheek*
Bailey:no way..this is yours?*looks at clothes* it's a bit baggy though..
Sean:it's cute that way...so?
Bailey:I'm not giving you a kiss..*smiles*
Sean:then give me my clothes.
Bailey:never! *hides under blanket*
Sean:you little thief!
Bailey:*laughs*why does your clothes smell like perfume?
Sean:*smells sweater* it does!
Bailey:yeah then? It's boy perfume..
Sean:*sprays more on sweater*
Sean:It's my Sweater!
Bailey:ugh it stinks!!*walks to Sean's closet* *removes another sweater*
Bailey:*laughs* *changes sweater*
Sean:*blushes* *looks away*
Bailey:*puts on new sweater* oh wait! *grabs one of Sean's shirts* it's a plain white one with a black pocket on the top left and black sleeves.
*puts it on* *puts sweater on*
Sean:*looks back*
Bailey:it's not like you've never seen a girl without a sweater bro..
Bailey:yeah..bro? Your like an older brother..
Bailey:like 100 girls?
Sean:yeah..I think even less..
Bailey:then I'm part of that group..
*hugs sean* don't tell Tati I hugged you..
Bailey:so can I keep the shirt and sweater?
Sean:nope.not until you-
Bailey:*about to kiss Sean's cheek*
Sean:*moves face to the left*
Bailey:*accidentally kisses Sean on the lips* I-I-
Sean:you just-
Bailey:I didn't mean to..
Sean:it's okay..*blushes*
Bailey:*blushes* we look like tomatoes...Sean:you can keep the shirt and sweater..*looks away*
*guys note: pls make sure you are mature to read the scenes cause it's not for readers like 9+ - 12 years and just make sure you are already familiar with the actions❤️ thanks

أدب الهواةBecause you're the kind of guy who would laugh at me when I fall,but help me up and whisper, "it's okay,I still love you" Read the next book titled:#Sealey|Book2 Thanks for the 3k Views! Hope that will be the same w/my other book❤️