Day before Valentines Day

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I thought about what I'm gonna do later on and I realized that it was the day before Valentine's Day..I already knew who I want my valentine to be..(obviously) I wanted to plan something special for her..
*a few hours later*
The squad left to go home already and I was gonna start making the video for Bailey..and since I love to cook,I wanted to make her cookies and chocolates as well..
Kenneth pov:
I'm gonna plan something special for Boogie, and Bailey..Gabe is gonna join me too.. We decided to go to the mall to buy some things..
Gabe:Ken..who is your valentine huh? *smirks*
Kenneth:I have 3...
Gabe:WHAT!? WHY 3!?
Kenneth:well there is boogie,Bailey, and Tati..
Kenneth:I'm joking..only Boogs and Bailey.
Gabe:but doesn't Sean like Bailey?
Kenneth:they are not together so I can still butt in..
Gabe:lol bad guy?
Sean Pov:
I set up the cameras and recorded myself..
Hey Bailey! Happy Valentine's Day! And guess what? You're my Valentine *smiles* yeah.. Imagine, I liked you since the first day of school already. And I hope you feel exactly the same way I feel.. You're the person I can actually tell anything to because I know you trust me too.thanks for always standing up for me even if I used to say a lot of bad things about your friends.. Happy Valentine's Day!
I end the video and start making the cookies.. I make a tutorial video too.. I put in all the ingredients and start to bake it..
After baking,I made chocolates and bought a nice stuffed animal that was a panda..(who doesn't love pandas tho..if u don't..somethings wrong.😂👌🏻)
I tie a bow around its neck with a short letter.. Then,I pack the cookies and chocolates in a box. I wore nice clothes and headed to baileys house. But before I could even approach the house,I see Ken giving her stuff..he gave her a box of chocolates.. A few minutes later,I knocked on her door and she opened it.
Sean:Happy Valentine's Day Bailey!
Bailey:awe your so sweet! Come in!
I sit in the couch and give her my gifts
Bailey:A PANDA!*hugs Sean*
She opens her stuff from me and gives me a kiss on the cheek and a hug.thanks *smiles*
Sean:oh there's one more!
*sends it to Bailey through messages*
*bailey receives video*
*plays video*
*after video*
Bailey:awe! *hugs sean* thanks!
Brittney just stared at us from the other side of the room.
Bailey:thanks so much Sean!
Sean:you don't need to thank me bails.
Brittney:so you two are Valentine's?
We both stared at each other and there was silence in the whole room..
Brittney went upstairs and I asked Bailey what Ken gave her..
Bailey:oh he just gave me sweets*smiles* how nice of him right?
Sean:y-yeah.. *looks down*
Bailey:someone's jelly! *pinches Sean's cheeks*
Sean:haha stop! *playful slap*
Gabe POV:
I ran to Tati's house and knocked on the door..
Tati'sMom:oh hello um?
Gabe:Gabe..and hello Mrs Tati home?
Tati'sMom:oh yes! *calls tati*
Tati:coming!*runs downstairs and slows down when she sees Gabe.
Tati goes outside and closes the door behind her..
Tati:what are you doing here?
Gabe:I'm here to give you this. *hands gifts*
Tati:thanks..*about to go inside*
Gabe:No Awe so sweet!,So nice of you!,your the best!
Tati:nope..but I have to admit..that was really sweet and nice of you to give me these..*pinches Gabe's cheeks* *kisses him In the cheek*
Tati:Bye Gabriel..
Gabe:bye Tatiana..
*tati smiles back*
Kenneth pov:
Phew..when I gave Bailey something it wasn't that bad..but with boogie I'm gonna ruin my whole reputation cause I really like her..
*knocks on door*
Boogie:Oh hey Mo- Ken?
Kenneth:Uh yeah..Happy Valentine's Day!
Boogie:*hugs Kenneth*thanks!
Kenneth:No need to Boogs.
Boogie gives me a quick kiss and I end up blushing like a red tomato..
Boogie:haha *pokes ken* didn't you ever kiss 200+ girls?
Kenneth:way less..
Boogie:isn't it normal already?
Kenneth:with you nope..
Boogie:with me?
Kenneth:yeah um- okay! Anyways happy Valentine's Day! *hugs boogie*
Boogie:Okay! By bro! Thanks and happy Valentine's Day! *waves goodbye*
Sean pov:
*bailey starts to sing*'re a good singer..
Bailey:oh shut up!
Bailey:y-you're serious..
*y'all know Sean's serious face whenever he dances right?😂*
Sean:yeah..why would I even tell you if I was faking it?
Bailey:well thanks..*smiles* you like me?
Sean:never mind..
Sean:sorry..I have to go. My moms calling.*holds doorhandle*
Bailey:wait! *grabs Sean's arm* do you want me to answer your question?
Sean:y-yeah I guess?
Bailey:isn't obvious already? I came to la just to see you again and stood up for you when Tristan punched you..and that time when I actually kissed you?
Bailey:why would a girl even kiss a guy she doesn't even like?
Sean:*smiles* I'll see you later.
Bailey pov:
I slowly close the door and hugged my panda doll and lay down on the bed..I had a quick nap and I felt so tired from standing in that bus for an hour..
I thought about what Sean told me way back then..he told me that I was different..this was the time he was a total he's a sweetheart.
Should I tell him?

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