I took a quick shower,brushed my hair,and wore my swimsuit about to go to the Beach..I packed a towel in my bag and some sunscreen and headed off..
Bailey:bye Julian! I'll see you later!
Julian:okay Bailey,have fun!
I arrived at the beach and there was this guy staring at me..it felt so weird..
Red:Hey Bailey..
Bailey:oh um..red.
Red pov:
I sat beside Bailey and I had a feeling she thought I was a weird guy how I just approach her all the time.
Red:so tell me about you..
Bailey:Um..My full name is Bailey Drew Sok,I am 15 years old,I play golf,and I dance to hip hop..
Red:I go there too!hey maybe we should hang out some-
Bailey:sorry red..There is already a guy..
Red:sorry..but we could hang out as friends right?
Bailey:of course. I stood up and felt the water touch my feet..
I closed my eyes and felt my hair flow backwards behind my face as the wind comes.. I slowly walked deeper and deeper until the water was already my waist length.. It has already been a week and a half ever since I left.. I miss all my friends..after I swam,I decided to go back to la for 2 or 3 days then come back just to see my bff's..before that,I went to Julian's house and told him..I packed some clothes and took a bus back..
*an hour later*
I finally arrived and I took a taxi to my house..I knocked on the door and my mom hugged me immediately while the 2 of my sisters came running downstairs and hugged me.
Bailey:Are you guys mad I left?
Bailey'sMom:No we're not..I understand..I did it before when I was your age too..
Bailey:thanks guys..
Bailey'sMom:I think you should go see your friends cause they've been asking a lot..
Bailey:thanks mom..
I pick up my bag and carry it upstairs as I run to Sean's house..I decided to surprise him so I climbed up until I reached his window..I opened it quietly and saw him on his phone facing the other way..I snuck up behind him and grabbed and hugged him..
Sean:AHH! *turns around*
Bailey:gotcha! *giggles*
Sean:you came..
Bailey:yeah ofc..
Sean pov:
I hugged Bailey and carried her while spinning. I dropped her in the bed and I lied down beside her and we both faced each other..
Bailey:Missed you.. *someone knocks on door*
I realized that no one knew Bailey was here..
I told Bailey to hide inside the cabinet (the usual hiding place..obv)
Serris:hey brotha
Serris:Sarah and I are going grocery shopping..wanna come?
Sean:sorry..maybe next time?
Serris:it's okay. *messes his hair up* See you later nugget.
Sean:what..don't call me that *laughs*
Serris:Oekii bye!
Serris closes the door as I open the cabinet Bailey walks out..
Bailey:so? Wanna call the squad for a sleepover? I'm only here until Sunday..
Sean:seriously? Why can't you stay?
Bailey:*looks down* I don't want to be in the middle of a relationship then suddenly girls start fangirling and everything as if I'm not seen. And plus your squads members are the most popular guys in school.
Sean:hey..even if your not my girlfriend,you totally act like one.
Bailey:*smiles* thanks.
Sean:hey...don't thank me..
I gave a quick smile and texted the squad to come over..Bailey was pretty exited to see them too.
Sean:they said they might be here in 10-15 minutes.
I just stare at her and she just stares at me..I lean in but then she pushes away.
Sean:wtf was that?
Bailey:Can you not-
Sean:ya whatever good for me.
*squad comes in*
Tati:Bailey! *hugs bailey*
The whole squad hugged Bailey except for Ken cause he was just late.
Kenneth:sorry guys I was just--
BAILEY! *carries Bailey and hugs her*
I just stared at them and Bailey seems to like Kenneth..she smiles whenever he looks at her which bothered me too..
They both sat on my couch and were incredibly close..
You know what? I'll just forget it.
A few hours later,I saw Tati playing with Gabe's hair so I practically ruined the moment by saying that they are goals.
Tati:Gabe..what if you never met me?
Gabe:why would you ask such a question of you said your not my type?
Tati:I'm just asking.
Gabe:If I never met you..then maybe I wouldn't change?
Tati:wow DeGuzman..Change?
I was just listening to their convo until Kenneth interrupted me..
Kenneth:hey dude? Bailey and I are just gonna buy Starbucks.
He gives me a smile while I gave him a fake smile.he was too dumb to realize.
Sean:yeah sure go..I lied
Okay WTF IS HIS PLAN!? Ken and Bailey left and it was already night time but I decided to secretly follow them.
Bailey:so what do you wanna get?
Kenneth:a kiss?
Hearing that literally is disturbing and bothering me at the same time.
Bailey:no! Starbucks..
Kenneth goes for a latte while Bailey goes for a frapp..they didn't notice me..
After Starbucks they headed outside.
Kenneth:I like you..
Bailey was just silent and stared at Kenneth..they both leaned in until..
Bailey:I can't do this..
She turns around and puts both hands on her forehead.
Bailey:we need to get back to Sean's place..
This is the time when I literally ran across them cause Kenneth had a car and if he goes ahead of me,he will know I followed him.
I finally arrived out of breath and I ran upstairs to my room and sat down on my bed..a few minutes later,Kenneth and Bailey arrived. Bailey sat beside me but I didn't say anything..
Bailey:hey..want a sip?
She offers me a sip of her drink but I nod..
Bailey:are you okay?
I avoid making any eye contact with her..
Bailey:you're not..I can sleep beside you tonight if you want?
Sean:no thanks..boogie is gonna stay with me..
Boogie:wait wha?
I nod at her and mouth: just say yes.
Boogie:um- yeah..
Bailey pov:
I felt jealous at this point cause Boogs is gonna be sleeping beside Sean..
Kenneth offered me the place beside him but I just said that I would sleep in the floor..
*at night*
Sean pov:
Everyone is asleep except for me..I didn't even touch boogie a single bit when she was beside me..I just faced the other way..don't get me wrong, I love boogie as a friend and I trust her..it's that, yeah you get what I mean-

FanfictionBecause you're the kind of guy who would laugh at me when I fall,but help me up and whisper, "it's okay,I still love you" Read the next book titled:#Sealey|Book2 Thanks for the 3k Views! Hope that will be the same w/my other book❤️