Sean: Do you-
*jordyn and Lexee interrupt..*
Jordyn:Omg Sean are you alright??? Oh...hi bailey...*ignores bailey*
Sean:yeah I'm fine..
Lexee:Sean! You're okay right?
Sean pov:
I saw the look in Baileys face and he wasn't happy..Jordyn just ignored her right after noticing she was actually there..she just sat there waiting for the 2 girls to be finished..
Bailey:hey Sean...maybe I should go..
Sean:but are you allowed to get removed from charge?
Bailey:I don't know..I just wanna go home already..i guess I'll just see you guys..
Bailey:I don't want to fucking stay okay!?
There was silence in the room but Jordyn broke the silence..
Jordyn:don't talk to Sean that way!
Lexee:yeah bitch!
Sean:Lexee don't call her a bitch..
Bailey:I can talk to Sean however I you can excuse me..I think I need a break from this..
I still couldn't believe what was happening..
*bailey leaves*
Bailey pov:
Those freaks just ruined everything..I should have never liked Sean anyways..he's such a FBoy anyways..*tear falls*
*at baileys house*
*writes letter*
*packs clothes*
My mom nor Sean knows I'm leaving and I won't be coming back for a few weeks.. I packed all my clothes and is about to head off..
Before I even did,I gave Serris a letter to give to Sean..
After,I walked to the bus stop all the way to Malibu..
There were a lot of people inside the bus and most of them were adults..I was the only 15 year old there.but at least I'm actually mature enough..leaving makes me want to cry but I think I'd be better off away for a couple of weeks..maybe 3? I don't know..
A few hours later the bus finally stops and I've arrived to my destination..I have a friend in Malibu and maybe I can stay in his place..his name is Julian DeGuzman..Gabe knows him ofc but he won't know I'm here..
Sean POV:
I walked home all chill and that..Bailey left a letter for me when she came back from school...I read it silently..
Hey Sean..I'm so sorry about what happened awhile might be wondering where I am right now but just know I'm not home..I might not see you in a couple of weeks..we might have no contact during that period but I will sure miss you a lot..I wish I could just hug you one more time for a proper goodbye but I can't because maybe once you read this,I may have already left.. I will miss you.. -love,Bailey.
I suddenly felt so down..after reading I was so silent.. I didn't say a thing..I just stared blankly with some tears falling out..Serris saw me and asked what's wrong..
Serris:why are you down?
Sean:Leave me fucking alone Serris.
Sean:she fucking left okay!
I cover my face with both my hands and pulled back my knees together and rested my head there.. I tried to text her but it failed..I had no contact at all..
Bailey mom POV:
I walked home and found a letter taped to the fridge..
Dear mom, the greatest person in the world from day might freak out after you read this..but I left. I'll be back in a few weeks and I' would be really exited to see you then,I'm just doing the exact same thing when you were 15 and for the same reason with dad when he was 16..I wasn't able to say a proper goodbye to the best person in the world..sorry mom..ill be back..and please do me a favor..tell the neighbor next door that if she really loves you,she will come back.. I love you so much mom.. -love,Bailey..
I started to cry after and I decided to do my daughters favor..I knocked in the door and asked if anyone was close to Bailey.. One of the Lew kids stepped right in and I showed him the letter and he gave me a big smile which made me a little cheered up..
Bailey POV:
*calls julian*
Bailey:Julian! Ugh thank god you picked up!
Julian:yeah um-what do you need?
Bailey:I'm here in Malibu..
Julian:oh cool.who did you bring?
Bailey:I'm alone..
Julian:YOUR WHAT!? Where are you? I'm picking you up right now..
Bailey:the bus stop right in front of Malibu Resort..
Julian:okay I'm coming..
It took Julian a few minutes for him to drive here and I immediately Stepped inside the car..
Julian:what brings you here?
Bailey:just a break..can I stay at yours for a week or 2?
Julian:stay as long as you want I don't mind.
Bailey:thanks Jules..but don't tell your cousin..
Julian:oh Ga-
Bailey:yeah.. do you know Gabe?
Bailey:he's my classmate.
Julian:that's cool.
*arrives at Julian's place*
Bailey:your place looks neat!
Bailey:hey Sea-
Bailey:sorry..I just..*covers face with hands*
Julian:are you okay??
Bailey:yeah it's just-
Julian:your friends?
Bailey: oh yeah I forgot to say but if you need blackmail for your cousin his crush is Tatiana McQuay..
Julian:oh I got blackmail..
Bailey:yeah..i miss them all already..
Julian:I missed my brothers too..Sean,Ken,Gabe,will,Josh,
Bailey:lol atleast your not a FBoy
Julian:oh talk about it..My cousin is a-
(Hey guys🙌🎉 pls give suggestions below❤️😂😩 thanks tho)

FanfictionBecause you're the kind of guy who would laugh at me when I fall,but help me up and whisper, "it's okay,I still love you" Read the next book titled:#Sealey|Book2 Thanks for the 3k Views! Hope that will be the same w/my other book❤️