Sean pov:
*inhales,exhales* phew...
I walk up to some of baileys friends and they were wondering where she was..
Boogie:hey Sean Boi
Sean:I'm not really in the mood..
Tati:yeah I'm not in the mood to talk to you either..
Sean:look..can't you see I'm having a bad time right now?
Sean:I don't know where she is..*looks down* but she left..
All the girls were shocked and didn't say a word but just listened...
Sean:she left a letter for me and that's it..I tried to text her but it failed and she said she would be gone for a couple of weeks..
Sean:*sits down* *looks down*
Tati:Hey look...
Sean:*looks at tati*
Tati:you love her right?
Sean:yeah I guess...
Tati:if she knows you love her,she will come back for you*smiles*
Tati gave me a warm smile and waved bye and headed to the has been 2 days..
Bailey POV:
I wanted to cry but instead,I just went outside and stared at the sunset..I start silently singing a part of one of JB's songs..
Bailey:Am I in love with you,am I in love with you,or am I in love (loooove) with the feeling..trying to find the truth..
Julian:hey...*sits beside me*
What's up?
Bailey:I just miss my family,classmates,and my neighbor..
Bailey:yeah.. I miss him already..
Bailey:he told me he loves me the other day and I remember not saying that I love him back and just moving on to the next topic..
Julian:You have a crush on a guy that-
Bailey:yeah I know..somethings wrong there but..I can't help it.
Julian:Well don't feel bad and enjoy when we met in New York?
Bailey:haha I was the only one there..
Julian:yeah.and that time when we went to that scary roller coaster?
Bailey:that was amazing..
*a night later*
I heard there was going to be a party but not the regular parties back home with all that dub step music and was like a beach fireworks..haven't seen em' in awhile cause it's illegal back home unless your a professional.i braided a section of my hair and Bobby pinned it to the back of my head..I wore my favorite swimsuit under and on top,something like a light,white,poncho -Ish thing (idk what u call it)
For the couple of days away,I had fun..but I always wondered what was going on back home with all the people I love.
I danced my heart out to music,ate my favorite food,and met new people.
It was amazing.
Sean POV:*gabe sees Tati alone and sits beside her*
Gabe:hey why are you alone?
Tati:*tells what happened*
Gabe:*puts arm around tats*
Tati:*leans on gabe*
Sean:you two will totally end up together.
Tati:With a FBoy? wish.Gabe and I are just friends..
Sean:lol sheesh.
Today I spent my day at Kens house..I almost forgot about school and stuff..
Kenneth:so what do you wanna do?
Sean:idk tbh..*turns on tv*
*huge beach party*
Lol hey look it's a party!
Kenneth:are we seriously gonna drive an hour just for that?
Sean:it's like English class dude lets go!
Kenneth:*rolls eyes* Pfft.Fine.
We both grab some clothes and I put on my favorite trunks ofc. Cause it's a beach party..I messed up my hair a bit just to look Sweg (😂)
We both got inside the car and headed off*
*btw Bailey already stayed in Malibu for 5 days*
Bailey POV:
I had a haircut before I did anything else and I look sooo good RN.. I have new short hair and gold&blonde highlights..(usual hair now)
But I still have my bangs..
And now I'm headed off to the party..
At the party I enjoyed the best part..gazing at the fireworks and the sunset at the same's like your 2 favorite beach things in 1..I see a lot of people I don't even recognize..
Ken&Sean POV:
Sean:Finally we arrived..
Kenneth:uh huh! It's better than I thought!
Sean:let's go!!
Bailey POV:
I laughed when I saw 2 guys exit their car and one of them kept yelling.
They both partied and it seemed like they had fun..
I stared at the sun setting and I slowly fell asleep..
*voice* hey..
I look behind me and it's just some guy who has icing all over his face cause someone smacked a cake on his face earlier..
Guy:My name is Red..
Bailey:nice to meet you red *smiles*'sean POV:
I see a Girl and Guy both talking to each other then I assumed they were a couple but yeah..the girl was pretty and had short hair and highlights,she didn't party much but instead she stared at the sunset.. I made a backflip from a huge rock onto the sea just to show off..
Bailey:show of much?
Sean:lol you bet.
I recognized her voice somewhere and I didn't really mind..she acted like a total savage..
I saw Julian walk up to her and handed her a drink.. A lot of people must like her I guess..she wore shades and a nice Tiffany blue bikini and the white thingy like a shirt *idk what that freaking thing is called ughhh*
:I just sat beside her and we didn't look at each other..
So what do you like doing for fun?
Sean:oh I dance..
She looks at me then pushes my hair back so it doesn't cover up my face..
I wondered what the heck was she doing..she removed her shades slowly and I realized it she was the girl of my dreams..Bailey Sok.
Bailey:I-I need to go..
Right there,she just leaves like that..I decided to run after her..without her realizing anything,I hugged her from behind and she didn't move..
Bailey POV:
I can't believe I just saw Sean..I ran and stopped for a second and right there she hugged me from behind..I didn't move cause I was so nervous..
Sean:aren't you happy I'm here?
Bailey:A bit I guess..
Sean:what?*turns me around*
Bailey:nah I'm joking..I'm happy but I think I need to go..
Sean:come back to L.A Bailey..
Bailey:Not right now...
I slowly pulled away but then he grabbed me and carried me then ran all the way to the rock he dived from..
I tried to make him stop carrying me out I failed big time.. He kissed me in front of everyone and I just blushed..I kissed him back but the ending wasn't that good..
Bailey:Sorry..I still don't want to go back...
Bailey:but I'll come back in a few days..not right now..
Bailey:I need to go..I'm Coming! *kisses Sean again*
Sean:*hugs bailey* I'll see you?
Bailey:Yeah..I'm coming!
I run with tears falling from my face and I looked back once and he just stared at me..
I hopped inside Julian's car as Sean waved bye..when he kissed me,I felt his tears falling from his face..he was happy and sad at the same time..
I told Julian what I saw and he was shocked as well.. But he told me that I'd see him soon.. Soon.

Hayran KurguBecause you're the kind of guy who would laugh at me when I fall,but help me up and whisper, "it's okay,I still love you" Read the next book titled:#Sealey|Book2 Thanks for the 3k Views! Hope that will be the same w/my other book❤️