Chapter 9: The Impact Strikes

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            About a half an hour later, we got everything cleaned up. “Hey, Kale. Have you seen Jake since the fight started?” Chase asked. “No. Bree, have you seen him?” Kale repeated the question. “No, not since before you guys led the serial killer here,” Bree answered. “Don’t ask me; I’ve been wondering the same thing since the fight began,” I confessed. At that moment, Bree heard someone groan; then something got hit and fell over. We all turned to see an arm stretch out into the light at the other end of the alley. The person’s wrist was wearing a familiar metal, embossed bracelet. Jake. We all must have been thinking the same thing because we all ran towards him. When we got over to him, Kale and I moved the crates away and helped him to his feet. At least we now know where the second knife went. “Oh my god! Jake, you need to go to the hospital!” Bree announced. “I—I’m n—not go—ing,” He protested. “For once, Bree’s right. You need to go and you are going.” Jake didn’t argue with Kale.

            Chase and Kale got Jake admitted in the ER. A few nurses took him straight in and said that he’d probably have to be taken into surgery. They also said we’d have to wait in the ER until they come and get us. Bree, being the light-hearted one, started crying; Chase leaned back against the back of the chair, across from Bree; I leaned forward and put my head into my hands and Kale put his arm around me and pulled me over to where I was pretty much leaning against him. A few hours later, a nurse came and told us that they put him in a room and that we could go see him. Bree was still having tears trickle down her cheeks when she stood up. All four of us followed the nurse up to Jake’s room.

            I was the last one to stay in his room; Kale, Chase and Bree left around 2 a.m. Not too long after they left, I started to doze off. “Anna. Are you awake?” Jake asked. “I am now, why?” “What happened? Where am I?” “You’re in the hospital because the guy threw two knives and one hit you,” I drowsily answered. “Oh,” He answered then drifted off to sleep. Not too long after that, the machines that he was hooked up to went off. The nurses rushed in and one had me go out into the hall. I asked what was going on, but no one answered. I called the headquarters’ phone; Kale picked up.

            “Hello?” Kale asked as he answered the phone. “Hey, it’s me, Anna. There’s something wrong with Jake. The machines just went off. I figured whoever was up wanted to know.” “Oh, God. Okay,” He answered, but then hung up. Thirty minutes later, Kale was back at the hospital. I was sitting on a bench outside Jake’s room, in the hall. “Where’s the rest of the crew?” I asked; still drowsy. “They crashed after the poker game. I’ve got a question to ask; if it’s not too personal,” Kale said as he handed me a cup of coffee. “Ask away, maestro.” I tried to add a little sarcasm to lighten the mood of the conversation, but it didn’t quite work. “Why do you care so much for Jake?” He asked hesitantly. “Well, you two are my closest and only friends. I’d do the same for you if you were in the hospital.” The expression on his face basically said, “Oh, okay. I understand.” Not even a week later, Jake was let out of the hospital, but he had some restrictions. That comes with the “hobby”; I guess.

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