Chapter 2: Fast Forward Button to 28 Years Later

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  Fast Forward Button to 28 Years Later





            Still haven't aged. A social worker found me wondering the streets a couple years ago. I got stuck living with this lady that is really wacked! She beat her husband to death, because he was Christian. Then, drowned her little girl for following the dad. Now she's making me be dark and won't allow me to practice Christianity. What a mouth full. I have more that on escape, thankfully. One of which is music and always having a friend around.

            My other escape is kind of on the dark side. For the last few months, you could say, it’s a bit of a free-lance work – as in killing cultists and defending innocent people. Yeah, I may free fall off buildings, dressing in all black, and going clubbing afterwards. And yeah, I go to Goth and techno clubs. Now that if I were to look back, my theme song it would be; I Never Told You What I Do For A Living, by My Chemical Romance; The Sharpest Lives, also by My Chemical Romance; or I’m So Sick, by Flyleaf. The thing is, I don’t know of those songs match the fact of me only killing at midnight.

            I only have one friend, Victoria. She knows that I don’t age, but she doesn’t know about me killing or that I can’t die. We’re practically sisters. We even go clubbing together. I may have a slim, slim chance of going to heaven, but I know the clubbing thing just adds to fact.

            I was walking down the street when someone grabbed my arm. “Do you mind?” I asked sarcastically. The man, in his mid to late teens, pulled me into the alley nearby. “Are you Aneleise Faeridane?” he asked. “That’s my great Grandmother and she’s dead- who are you?” That question seemed to make him some-what uncomfortable. “ You liar” “How do you know? You don’t know me!” I said agitated. “ ‘Cause, you’re Anna Midnight. Don’t deny it, I know exactly who you are,” he finally blurted out. “So, if you know me so well, why are you talking to me? And you better tell me who you are,” I told him hoping that he would tell me something that I didn’t know.

            “There's two secret societies that’s looking to get you to join them. My job is to get you to join the society I belong to.” It was like he was in a confessing mood, weird. The conversation went on. He told me his name was Jake Rayne. He also told me that the group he belongs to is called “Warning”. They want me to join them because I’m in the same business they are. Just more famous, I guess.

            A week later the letters started. The address was of a P.O. Box owned by the State Penitentiary. It took about a year to come up with a plan to get away from the step mother. Jake kept sending the letters  in attempt of trying to get me to join. The step mother found out and of course had to confront me while being half drunk- half out of her mind.

            “Where are these letters coming from? No. Don’t tell me. They’re coming from that retched church,”  she screeched. Obviously, she found out that I started going to church again. But that was just last Sunday that I started going back, how’d she know? She grabbed the lamp that was sitting on the table next to her and chucked it across the room, aiming for me. It hit me in the head and I fell to the floor. Blood started festering up and then gushing down my face. “I told you weren’t going to be Christian!” she yelled.

            “Those letters aren’t from the church!’ I explained in my defense. “Don’t be lying to my face!” She came over, picked me up off the floor and threw me across the room. I hit the wall and fell to the floor, again. She walked over and started beating me with a baseball bat. Just then, the door broke down. The police rushed in, made her drop the bat, and then cuffed her. I could barely hold my eyes open. When I could, all I saw was blood all over me, splattered like paint. A cop came over to help me up and walked me outside. My step mom was yelling at the top of her lungs as they put her in the back of the police car. I could see almost every neighbor around, staring at me and my step mom. Some of them had their hands over their mouths, shaking their heads, and almost in tears. The paramedics rushed over and helped me into the ambulance. After that, everything went black.

            The next thing I know is hearing the beeping sound of the heart monitor. A nurse came in and started checking my vital signs. For the first time ever, I think the hospital is really boring. “You have a visitor,” the nurse announced. Jake walked in. “You’re clear of you step family. Just join our society and it’ll be confirmed,” He said freely. “Fine,” I finally agreed. “The nurse told me what happened. She was worried that you would go into a coma.”“I can’t really do that you know,” I explained hinting at the fact that I can’t die. About that time, the nurse walked in and said I could go home. I’m glad ‘cause that nurse is a real, how do you say it, “creeper”! Chills and shivers.

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