Chapter 11: The Long Lost Truth Becomes Known

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 “It’s suddenly cold. I’m going to go get a blanket or two…” “Jake, you’re not getting out of this one,” I said sternly. I sat up so he could easily get up. He left and a few minutes later, he was back. He sat down, put the blanket around both of us, and put his arm around me once again. “Tell me what you meant,” I prodded him. After a moment, he answered. “The truth is… I don’t know how to say this but…Ugh. The truth is, Anna, I love to be around you and—to be with you.” After he said that, I knew what he meant; but I was still shocked. I don’t know why, but now I feel even safer from the world when he held me tighter. “You’re still tired, aren’t you?” “Yeah, kind of,” I answered softly. “Go ahead and go back to sleep.” That was a totally awkward phrase, but if you were me at the moment, you would care even if it was cliché.

Things were fine until Chase, Kale, and Jake got into another fight, but I couldn’t figure out what the argument was about this time. Nor did I care until they started breaking things. I went down into the kitchen. “What the hell are you guys doing?” I asked. “It’s none of your business, Anna,” Chase answered. “And I thought I was bear,” I mumbled under my breath. “Anna, just go somewhere else for right now; I’ll explain later,” Jake said. “No Jake, it’s your problem and she shouldn’t be involved.” Kale was practically yelling at him. So, I decided to go back to my room and get on the computer. I waited; Jake never came.

A few days later, I was down in the kitchen cooking fettuccine alfredo for dinner. The door to the headquarters opened and shut. I heard Jake talking, and then heard some girl that I didn’t know giggling. “What’s that smell?” Jake asked as he walked into the kitchen with the girl. As they walked into view, I noticed that they were holding hands. “It’s called me making a home-cooked meal for a change. Why? Does it smell bad?” “Well, no. Do you mind if you make some for Mikayla, too?” “Sure, why not. There’s plenty for the whole club,” I said exaggerating a bit. Other people might think I’m jealous, but nah. I mean, yeah Jake is (to a certain degree, I suppose) kind of hot for his age. Just ‘cause I said that doesn’t mean I like him like that; he’s like the brother I never had.

“Mikayla, meet Anna. Anna, this is Mikayla.” I have no idea why he introduced us; he’s never introduced me to his girlfriends before. “Oh my God, is this the famous Anna Midnight?” Mikayla asked. “Yeah?” I answered confused. Her face brightened when I answered. How do all these people know who I am? “Jake told me lots about you!” Mikayla answered. I shot a look at Jake. The expression on his face basically said, “Just go with it.”

In the weeks to follow, I had gotten immune to Mikayla’s constant gloating of Jake and what they did. I’d be the first to admit, this girl was as annoying and as oblivious as they come. For me to say that, you know it’s that horrible. You can also gather that Jake was just that desperate for a girl that would allow him to claim her. That’s just sad.

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