Short Prologue

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"Nooo! WAAAAHHHH!" Courtney cried on the golden couch while Sierra and Heather would occasionally glance. Courtney sniveled in her golden pillow.

Heather looked at Courtney, wanting to yell at her for getting snot on the couch, but Heather knew that she was going through a terrible time.

"That jerk!" Courtney sobbed. I thought he loved me! The thought made Courtney cry even more.

And it left an emotional scar.

Throughout the rest of the season, Courtney was fawning over Alejandro, only to realize that it was part of his plan to win, she didn't even realize this until after Heather won Total Drama World Tour. At that point, Courtney spent countless nights sobbing about how everyone hated her, and that she'll never love again.

Courtney than reluctantly signed up for another season, hoping that the heat of the competition would take her focus off what happened two seasons ago. She then stood proud as a hero. Until she became a villain.

"I don't want to be a villain!" Courtney protested.

That didn't make her as mad as when Duncan told her that she had to admit she existed. A wave of anger washed over her and she yelled defiantly at him.

Then she went into the cabin and ignored Heather's talk of strategy.

I will always be scarred, I will never love again!

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