The Final Chapter

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"Mal!" this the afterlife?

"Wake up, wake up for Courtney!"

Har har...she doesn't need me anymore...


Mal started moving, but his eyes were still closed.

"Oh, good, I thought I lost you. Courtney's the one we both love! But only you can save her!"

Mal stiffened.

"Save her?! From what?!" Mal hissed under his breath.

"Those gas bubbles! She's in one of them! Oh crap, it's Chris!"

Mal lifted up and his eyes flashed open, but the person was already gone.

Mal looked around.

Beach...all around...did that person save me from my own death?

Darn it! I was SUPPOSED to die, fool!

Then Mal heard footsteps.

It was Chris.

"Hey! The finale is about to start! GET MOVING!" Chris shouted.

Thanks for the sympathy.

Mal flung himself upward and scrabbled awkwardly until he felt himself thud to the ground. Mal spat out the sand in his mouth.

"GET UP!" Chris shouted once more.

Mal struggled once more and finally got up.

Mal and Zoey prepared for the first part of the challenge, to get two helpers out of the gas bubbles.

The gas bubbles! So that's what they were talking about! COURTNEY!

Mal tried to hear Courtney out of all the screams, but they were too loud.

SHUT UP! I'm trying to hear for Courtney!

Mal shot twice with his meatball gun, and got Alejandro and Heather.


Almost when Mal thought things couldn't get worse, the gas bubbles started floating towards the sun. Mal gasped and shot himself up a tree and leaped at Courtney.

Please! Forgive me! I'm trying to save you!

He leaped high enough for Courtney to see him. Courtney's eyes widened with disbelief.

Mal blinked in surprise.

It seemed like they were staring into each other's eyes for a whole lifetime. Distracted by Courtney's gaze, Mal fell out of the sky and slam with a sickening THUD!

Mal groaned. His already damaged body had gotten even worse.

Mal screamed in pain and got up.

He flinched as Chris and his helpers were glaring at him.

"What are you looking at?!" Mal snarled, he was trying to sound tough, but inside, he felt frightened as a child without it's mother, "Let's start the challenge."

Throughout the challenge, Mal and Zoey went up the Moats of Doom. Mal's mind was rattled with the thoughts of what could happen to Courtney.

Please, somebody...protect her!

After Mal leaped onto Zoey and tried to drown her. Mal gasped and woke up in a field of pink.

I'm back in the brain! BUT, THE TOWER!

"Its gone, Mal." Mal flipped around, it was Mike. Mal looked at the flashback in horror.

Mike and all of the personalities had destroyed the tower.

Anger bottled up inside Mal, he charged, but Mike slammed him back down.

Mal knew he was going to disappear.

"Wait! You need me! I can help you!"


Mal then remembered Courtney.


"...Courtney? What about her?"


Mal felt his body fading away.

"NO! MIKE, THIS IS MY TIME! TELL...Courtney...I'm sorry." Mal said before he finally vanished from existence.


Courtney screamed as she attempted to claw the bubble, only for it to stretch.

"HELP!" Sierra screamed in her bubble, kicking it repeatedly.

Courtney than smacked her bubble against Sierra's. Sierra's popped and she plunged towards the island.

So that's how you pop these bubbles...

"Scott! Smack your bubble against mine!" Courtney said.


"JUST DO IT!" Courtney snapped. At the exact same moment she said that, she saw the island was sinking.

"Wait-" But it was too late, Courtney's bubble popped and she plunged.

She screamed as she was falling from the sky into complete ocean.

Mal! Where are you?!

Courtney gasped as she hit ice-cold water and she almost passed out. Courtney struggled to reach the surface.

Please don't take my life!

Courtney managed to reach the surface.

She looked around and saw Mike, Zoey, Cameron, and Gwen on a roof.

"Mal?" Courtney gasped weakly.

Mike flipped around to face her and stretched out a hand. Courtney grabbed his hand and he pulled her onto the roof.

"Mal's gone...he wanted me to tell you he's sorry." Mike explained.

Courtney froze. Surprisingly sympathy was in Zoey's eyes.

Maybe it would have been better to have never known that and died, then to have known that and live...

Mal's...really gone?

Courtney felt tears roll down her cheek. Mike was about to comfort her but Zoey shook her head.

Fury boiled through Courtney's body. She turned her back to the others and leaped off the roof into the ocean.

She splashed away from everyone and passed Scott.

"Courtney! I-" But Scott was interrupted by Courtney's splashing.

Fang approached her. But out of anger, Courtney threw the shark in the air and tossed him across everyone else.

I will seek revenge on all of you! Especially you, Mike and Zoey!

Mal, I will avenge you.

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