Moony Girls in the Blue Moon

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Courtney's eyes fluttered open. And she was standing on clouds. This has to be a dream!

Courtney noticed there were three guys in front of her: Duncan, Scott, and Mal.

"Why are you guys in my dream?!" Courtney hissed.

"Because you're attracted to all of us" Mal said.

"What?! Not you, loser!" Courtney snapped at Mal. Mal then looked at the other two guys.

"Wow. You're into a delinquent and a farmer's boy? Nice standards, honey" Mal sneered.

"SHUT UP!" Courtney snapped. She then lunged at Mal, only to wake up in her bed in the spa hotel. Heather was in the bed next to her's, looking at her.

"Dreaming, again?" Heather asked annoyed.

"Maybe!" Courtney hissed. She then took a deep breath.

Stupid Mal! It's just Mike pretending to be someone else!

Briefly before the challenge started, Courtney looked up at a very tall tree. For some reason, she felt drawn to it.

Don't be like Dawn! There's nothing important about it! Then Courtney stormed off.

"Mike, what happened?!" Zoey asked.

"I don't know! One moment I was heading back to the cabin, and the next, I was in the bushes with thorns all over me! I swear, I think Vito was messing around with a girl again..." Mike sighed as Zoey proceeded to pick thorn out of his butt.

Then the challenge began, Courtney couldn't help but admire Scott's running, his content look on his face.

Stop being stupid! Courtney ran ahead towards the bridge to avoid Scott. Only to meet up with Gwen. They talked a little about how Heather was half-wolf, they laughed a little, but Courtney scowled, and took off.

Gwen's trying to be friends with me! Just so she can eliminate me out of the blue! Well, that's not happening!

Courtney felt speed in her sprint as she headed towards the bridge. Then she saw a flash of orange pass by her.

"I see you're determined, I like that." Scott commented.

Courtney rolled her eyes and stopped to a halt, they were at the bridge.

The challenge continued to go really well, only Gwen left! And she still wasn't there at the finish line with the rest of them. Courtney was upset and fell back when she saw a moon-crazed deer. The deer opened its jaws, ready to tear her apart.

Somebody save me!

Right when the deer's jaws were about to meet her flesh, Gwen had saved Courtney, putting a branch between her and the deer.

" saved me!" Courtney said in surprise.

"You'd do the same if our positions were reversed!" Gwen said.

Looking back on it as Chris was about too announce which hero would go home, Courtney thought, of course she wouldn't save Gwen if there positions were reversed!

"Say hello to our new villain!" Chris said, lifting up Cameron's hand.

Wait, what?! New villain?! As if! That's it! He's going to be the next 'villain' going home!

Courtney then returned to the tree that had caught her attention. Next to the tree, two eyes flashed at her.

"AAHHHHH!" Courtney yelled. Mal?!

"Hey." Mal whispered softly. He was craving letters into the tree. Courtney squinted her eyes in the darkness to see it says MxC on it.

"I see you've noticed what I'm carving onto the tree. I call it, the Malney Tree." Mal said with pride.

"What?! That's a stupid name for a tree Mike, and I'm not your girlfriend!" Courtney hissed. "Besides, Zoey's going to kill you when she finds out about your stupid little carving!"

Mal frowned.

"Oh" Mal sighed. "What. A. Shame. You must be dating Scott already. Well, I have to say, that was fast."

"What?! Are you stupid?! I'm not dating Scott!" And I can't believe I was drawn to that stupid tree!

"Really? So your free for the taking?" Mal said hopefully, his eyes surprisingly wide.

"I..." No one can say no to THAT look! ARGGHH! Courtney felt paralyzed.

Mal's face darkened.

"Oh, I see." He then threw the knife into a lake nearby and walked away until the dark covered him.

Courtney ran back to the spa hotel. She threw herself into the blankets, hoping no one would see her hot-red face.

Or her eyes, for they could reveal her feelings...

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