Insanity and The Beast

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"Chris, you told me whoever brought the most eggs didn't have to fight their worst fear this challenge!"

"Yeah, Chef. But things have got pretty tense between Courtney and Zoey, and I just want to-"

"Chris, why don't you make Courtney and Gwen fight?"

"Hmmm...that's not a bad idea!"

At Boney Island

Mal sat atop the trees, livid. Scott is stealing Courtney away from him, and he didn't like it. Not one bit.

Maybe I should try to manipulate someone this challenge. that'll make me feel better, but who? Well, Sierra is Cody-crazy...I'll just tell her that Cody is on the island! Hiding from her! Ha! What an idiot!

Several hours later

Sierra was watching Alejandro and his brother throwing body punches. Mike/Mal came up to her.

"Hey Sierra!" Mike/Mal said cheerfully. "I'm pretty sure I just saw Cody on that tall cliff at the border of the island!"

"WHAT?! I'M COMING CODY!" Sierra squealed as she ran faster than the speed of light.

Sierra ran all over the cliff, no Cody. She continued to cry Cody's name.

Courtney watched as Mal maliciously attacked Izzy in surprise. She then started thinking how strong Mal was.

Scott's still recovering from his injuries, that shark barely had to do anything to take him down. I want someone to protect me! Not someone I have to protect! I can't just keep watching over Scott forever! What about me?! Maybe I need a guy that will always be able to protect me...

Courtney noticed that Mal(pretending to be Mike) was convincing Zoey that he didn't have control of himself. Courtney rolled her eyes. Sierra then ran up to Mike/Mal.

"Mike! Mike! CODY WASN'T THERE!" Sierra screamed.

"What are you talking about?" Mike/Mal said in fake shock. "I never told you Cody was anywhere!"

"LIAR!" Sierra screamed as she started slapping Mike/Mal in the face.

"Stop!" Zoey yelled, Zoey then high-jump kicked Sierra in the face and Sierra was knocked out.

"Are you okay, Mike?" Zoey asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Mike/Mal said.

Later Gwen was chosen to fight Courtney.

"Sorry, we're not doing it!" they both said. Chris then pulled out a TV and it began to show clips of Gwen kissing Duncan. Courtney became furious.


Anger and horrific memories began to surface. Courtney than gave it all in one punch. They began to punch and scream at each other. Eventually, they made up and won for their team.

Mal blinked. He just might be going home. Sierra and Duncan are both against him, and Zoey is starting to become suspicious. Mal sighed.

Am I seriously giving up? Well, I'll tell Zoey to vote off Sierra. Worst case scenario is a tie, I'll take care of it when I get to that point.

Mal then walked towards the remains of the Malney Tree, a stump. Before he would sit down, two eyes flashed at him in surprise.

"EEK!" Courtney shrieked at Mal. She then jumped off the stump.

"Well, someone has been thinking lately about moi." Mal purred.

"Shut up!" Courtney snapped in protest.

"It's just, I just can't keep protecting Scott. I want a guy that can protect me, not a guy I have to protect!"

"Hmm...I see." Yes! I was hoping she would say that! YES! YES! YES!

Mal couldn't hold his excitement, he slammed his lips into Courtney's lips. She wrapped her arms around Mal and they proceeded to make out until Courtney pulled away.

You're not even dating Scott, so it's okay! But part of Courtney felt extremely guilty.

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