A New Dawn

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"Courtney wait! I made this for you!"

"Okay, this is really creepy, but I love it! I'll never forget you!"

The image of the skull flashed in Courtney's mind as she was dreaming horrible memories. She screamed in her sleep. "NO! NO! I DON'T WANT IT!" Courtney yelled in distress.


"It's no use, she's sleep-screaming again. Probably over Duncan. Lunatic."

"YOU used yell about Alejandro in YOUR sleep through the days following after his little demise until you realized he was still alive."


Courtney's eyes fluttered open and saw her cabin-mates Gwen and Heather looking down at her.

"Oh, morning Heather." Courtney said without even looking Gwen's way. Gwen sighed.

"Seriously?! When are you going to GET over Duncan and move on with your life, SO I can get some SLEEP" Heather snapped. Before Courtney could answer, Chef came in with a huge bag.

"Hey Santa. What's in the bag? Toys and gifts for all the little children?" Heather sneered with sarcasm.

"No, its...POWDERED GRUEL! SUCKERS!" Chef yelled as he unleashed the powdered stuff all over the cabin. "AHHHH! Ew!" Courtney squealed as she hopped out of her bed and tried to wipe it off. Then the door opened. It was the farm boy, Scott, asking for some of the powdered gruel. Disgusted, Courtney told him to help himself to it. Scott then took some off her hair and said-

"You clean up REAL nice"

That sent a chill up Courtney's spine. What was THAT supposed to mean?! He wasn't...no, it can't be!Courtney shrugged it off and went to join the others for that day's challenge.

Which was a terrible WRECK.

Gwen lost, Scott kept pestering her about how pretty she looked when she was mad(which made her even more mad, much to Scott's pleasure), and even after Courtney was shot up a tree, her team STILL lost.

Courtney sighed as she tried to straighten her hair while her body was balancing on a branch.

"Hey, what's your name again? Oh nevermind that, I'll just call you Princess."

PRINCESS?! Memories, rage, and horror bottled up inside her all at the same time. She turned her head around. It was Scott.

"DON'T EVER CALL ME THAT AGAI-AHHHHHHHHHH!" Courtney yelled as the branch snapped and she fell. Scott ran and caught her. Courtney was so terrified, that her instincts told her to cling like a helpless koala, even though she was already in Scott's arms. Courtney calmed down as she rested her head on Scott's chest and listened to the beat of his heart.

She then realized what she was doing. She jumped out of Scott's arms and ran off.

"Princess! Wait!"

NO! This isn't happening! I will NEVER love again! Courtney kept running until she slammed into somebody.

It was Mike.

They both fell on top of each other. "Well hello." Mike said in a dark, seductive voice.

"Why are you talking like that? And what did you do to your hair?" Courtney demanded.

"Oh, I'm Mal. And you look like one heck of a gorgeous vixen." Mal purred, lifting Courtney's chin up to his face. "Get away, freak!" Courtney yelled, pushing him into the bushes. What was Mike playing at?

Courtney was relieved when Chris said that the vultures had actually won for once. She then was exposed to another awkward moment with Scott. When Scott volunteered for Boney Island exile, Courtney's heart stopped.

Why?! I thought he liked me. Get ahold of yourself Courtney! He's just playing your heart to get ahead of the game! Courtney walked away towards the spa hotel.

I will NEVER love again! Or...is that a lie?

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