Mal's Motives

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Mal woke up. He got out of bed and noticed Duncan wasn't in the cabin.

Well that's odd. Nevermind that. First I must head to the Malney Tree.

Mal left and headed towards the Malney tree.

Back at the spa hotel...

"Okay, how about we play Bingo?" Cameron suggested.

"Were not here to play baby games! We're here to do something to pass the time!" Heather snapped.

Knock! Knock!

"CHRIS WE ARE BUSY!" Heather yelled.

"I'm not Chris!" a female voice yelled back.

"I'll get it." Courtney yawned.

Courtney opened the door. It was Zoey, she yanked Courtney by the collar and she fell.

"Hey!" Courtney yelled. "What was that for?!"

"Don't think you don't know! That tree! With the marking MxC! That was YOU! I asked Mike about it and he said he had noooooo IDEA! IT WAS YOU!" Zoey snarled.

"I SWEAR, THAT WASN'T ME!" Courtney yelled.

Back to Mal...

Mal looked around until he saw Duncan with an axe. Duncan was in front of the Malney Tree.


"Just doing what I do best!" Duncan stated. He swung the axe at the tree. He swung again. And again.

"STOP IT YOU JERK!" Mal roared. He then threw the Ax out of Duncan's hands and shoved Duncan away from the tree.

"Chill out! It's just a tree, Mike. You can just carve another MxC. Then again, why would you do that for her? She's a bossy selfish-"

Both Mal and Duncan froze when the tree made a crack! They looked and saw it falling the other way. Mal was relieved that it didn't fall on him. Until, that is, when he saw the tree was about to fall on Courtney.

She followed me here?! NO! She's GOING TO DIE! Mal's heart stopped.

Courtney screamed and jumped the other way, dodging the tree just in time. Mal then gasped and turned back into Mike.

"Huh, what happened? AHHHH! HELP!" Mike screamed as Duncan pounced on him. Zoey ran to the scene.

"Mike?!" Zoey gasped.

"Zoey!" Mike screamed. Zoey then shoved Duncan off Mike.

"You okay, Mike?!" Zoey panicked.

"Yeah, I'm fine" his eyes then averted to Courtney, "Why didn't you help me? You were right there!"

Zoey looked at Courtney and gave a you're lucky that my boyfriend is here otherwise I would've killed you kind of look.

"What?! But-he-Duncan...ARGGGGHH! Quit pretending Mike! I know you like me! So. Quit. Acting. AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" Courtney roared. Then she ran off.

After the challenge...

Courtney sat on the steps of the cabin her team were sleeping tonight. She sighed. I lost! My team lost! She then noticed Scott was sitting next to her.

"What's wrong, Court?" Scott asked.

Anger and painful memories began to boil up in Courtney again, but for once she controlled it and sighed instead.

"Our team lost! Heather didn't deserve to go home!" Courtney snapped. "We may not get along sometimes but we were friend...ish."

Courtney looked at Scott, his arms were stretched. She put her arms around his waist and Scott put his arms around her shoulders. Courtney smiled and closed her eyes.

In the background, behind the trees, Mal was watching. He was livid.

You're going home Scott! She is MINE! NOT YOURS!

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