Chapter 12: Bathroom Shenanigans

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"Angel....My guide.....Trials...."
"Mhm! That's right!" Angel giggles, bending over to extend a feathered hand out to Naomi, who slowly grasped her hand and hauled herself to her feet.
The Kakarikan girl and the Rito member stared eye to eye for a minute there, before they began to laugh. Angels vibrant green eyes lit up as she smiled again, turning around to everyone else, and bowed politely. "I am truly sorry about the way I entered. I only just earned my wings from the Great Lord Valoo, and I have yet to get my bearings."

Toba growled, rubbing his arm from how awkwardly he'd landed to protect Selie from any damage, "You have to be more careful! You could've killed someone! Get your head together, Rito!"
Selie gasped, shaking her head and pushing Toba aside, as well as chuckling nervously towards the Rito Mailgirl, "Please, don't pay attention to Toba, he's a bear with a sore head! As Usual!"
"Hey! Am not, Pixie!"

Angel laughed and shook her head, readjusting her bag and mailman hat, "Believe me, It's fine! I hope I'm not asking too much, but I think it'd be a great idea if you could all follow me--" The Rito squealed and jumped as she felt a tiny pair of hands stroking her tail feathers. Turning around, she was met with the astonished face of Mabel.

"E-Excuse me...? What're you d-doing?"
"Your feathers are so pretty, Ms Angel!"
"O-Oh...T-Thank you, little girl."

Naomi laughed, lifting Mabel into her arms and grinning, "Please, don't mind her Angel. She won't bite, this is my little sister Mabel."

Angel softly smiled and nodded, "Hello Mabel!" She almost continued, when a whoosh of air could be felt rushing past her head, and her hat was swiped off her head, "Hey! Whoever took that, give it back!!"

"Why should I?" Ellie smirked, now standing in front of the slightly intimidated Rito girl, spinning the hat on her finger.
"Please! Be careful with that! My Grandmother Medli handmade that hat for me!"
"Your Grandma huh? So it's sentimental?" Ellie seemed to chew on her cheek for a bit, glancing around in defeat before sighing heavily, blushing and handing the hat back to her in a flushed manner, "F-Fine..."

Naomi shook her head, pulling the grumbling trickster beside her as well, "And this is my other sister, Ellie."

Angel was lost in the midst of Ellie's aggravated aura for a moment before she shook her head, "Right! Well! Back to my purpose! On behalf of the Great Lord Valoo, King Komali and Grandmother Medli, I'd like to escort you all back to Dragon Roost Island!"
"Dragon Roost Island!?"
"Yes! Dragon Roost Island! That, Naomi, is where you will undergo both preparations and the trial itself! A boat is already awaiting you at the bay of this Island. It will be nightfall by the time we board, so I suggest you sleep on the ride."


Nightfall had come quicker than expected, and the boat had not long set off on its journey. Naomi kissed Mabel's head gently as she tucked the sleeping five year old into her bed, and then went to make sure Ellie was alright.

Ellie was sitting up in her bed, and seemed to be contemplating something. The oldest of the three smiled slightly and sat on the edge of her sisters bed, it wasn't often that they got a moment like this to themselves without fighting or being interrupted.
"You look focused."
"Yeah, just thinking about stuff, Naomi."
"Hm. What kind of stuff?"
"This whole thing, Today, Ma, Pa....Home...."
Naomi smiled softly, before nodding in agreement. "Me too, Ellie...Me too."

Ellie looked at her sister and shook her head, smiling a little, "What happens after our trials? Will we ever get to see Ma and Pa again? Or will we have a new family?"
"I honestly don't know, El. But ones thing for sure!"
"And what is that?"
"I know that Toba and Selie won't let us be split up. No matter what, okay, you, me and Mabel will always be together. Now it's time to go to sleep, we can think about all this in the morning. We've got a big day tomorrow."

Ellie smiled and nodded tiredly, now laying in the bed and switching her bed lamp off. "Alright. Night, Mi-Mi."
"Night, El." Naomi whispered, walking over to her bed and switching off the light as well. Soon, with the rocking of the boat, she began to fall into a restless sleep.....

~Naomi's dream~

'hello again, dearest Naomi....'

"Not you again....leave me alone...." Naomi's voice echoed into the void of nothingness. The voice chuckled, "My dear, but of course I will leave you alone....when everything is over that is...."

"When everything is over...?"
"After everything is over, you will see me one last time. And then, if you exceed my expectations, then I shall leave....but if not....well.....your kingdom shall have hell to pay...."

"My....Kingdom....? But I don't have a kingd--Ah!!"

And just like that, the dream ended, Naomi once again plummeting into the oblivion that was her sleeping mind.....



The rustling of sheets was all that could be heard. Blonde hair splayed over a cushiony, white pillow. Concerned blue eyes stared up at the ceiling. Selie's mind had been racing from the moment she laid her head on the pillow, tossing, turning, and sleep refusing to take her.

"Hm....If I can't sleep, I might as well do something productive...I can't just lay here and think of questions that might never be answered..." She whispered, getting up and turning her lamp on. Without a moments thought, she grabbed a clean towel and hairpin, thinking that a nice shower would leave her feeling so much fresher and relaxed.

As she entered the bathroom, Selie closed the door behind her. Had she locked it? Nobody knows. These bathrooms were soundproof anyways so she thought she'd have nothing to worry about. The maid thought she'd wake no one up with the sound of the water running.

The blonde smiled in content, feeling a fresh rush of warm water cascading over her skin. Dirt, muck and grime slid down her pale body and was sucked into the drain below. "I haven't showered like this in ages....Oh Lady Hylia, thank you for this cleansing tonight!" She smiled in thought, scrubbing a fresh bar of soap onto her skin.

However, the click of a door handle and the sound of a husky, and quite sexy might I add, voice broke her out of her daydream.


The girl gasped and immediately pulled the shower curtain over to cover the majority of her body, poking her head around the corner of it and almost slipping in the process of it, "Toba!? What in the name of Zelda are you doing here!?"

There, standing directly in her line of view, was Toba. He looked like a child, with his sleepy grey eyes and messy silver hair, as well as they way he held his stance. He looked plain exhausted.

"I had to pee so I came to the main bathroom to do my business, but here you are showering!!" He grunts, blushing and attempting to avert his gaze from the curtain covered maid in front of him.

"Really now!? Oh bullocks! Go use the other bathroom! Can't you see I'm in the middle of a wash!?"

Without a moments hesitation, Toba turned and slowly began to walk away, dragging his feet across the floor, "But it's sooooo faaaaarrrr...."
Toba quickened his pace to a sprint as he felt a bottle of shampoo smash into the back of his head, "Alright! Alright! I'm going!"
With a slam and click of the door lock, Toba disappeared down the hallway. Selie let out the breath she'd been holding the entire time, sliding down the wall and curling up, feeling like she'd just survived a heart attack..

"Oh Toba.....Why am I in love with this idiot....?"

A/N: This chapter was dedicated to my best friend/ Little sister NekogamiCutiepie123
She helped me with the idea for this chapter, and so I thought she deserved to be dedicated to it!!

Toba: Why did you make me walk in on her!?
We thought it'd be cute! Don't get your jocks in a knot!
Selie: *blushing brightly* *looking away*
Hehehehe~ 😈😈😈

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