Chapter 10: Photograph

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"But it's true!!" The look of excitement in Selie's eyes never faltered once. Toba rolled his eyes, "But Selie how to we know it's them? You could just be misjudging them, and thinking them for things that they aren't, like you always do!"
The blonde castle maid looked up at her counterpart in shock, "Did you just....?" She pouted, "you're really mean, you know that?"
"I have my reasons...."

Naomi shook her head, watching as her sisters went off to wash their hands, "So, let me guess, If we proved you wrong, we'd be executed, and if we proved you right, we'd be living in the lap of luxury for the rest of our lives?"
"Mhm! Exactly!"
"We're screwed!!"

Selie was about to continue speaking, but was cut off by Toba resting a gloved hand on her shoulder. He looked down at her with a somewhat emotionless expression, his silver fringe covering his left eye (right, when we look at it), "Selie. Just remember. We cannot simply escort them to their highnesses. The King proposed that they be tested for the traits of the lost heirs, by putting them through numerous trials, ones to test their courage, generosity and spirituality. Then they must overcome the royal judgement and overcome another test all together before we can even get close to reclaiming their thrones!!" Toba grunted, catching his breath after his long rant, "I'm sorry, Selie, I just don't see where you're coming from--"

"Well, if it makes anything better, we can just see what happens. And if they proves us wrong, we do not, I repeat, DO NOT let them be executed. We return them home safely and continue our search, deal?"
Toba glanced around at everyone monotonously, catching the smirks of the girls. He blushed slightly, his ears tinging pink. "F-Fine..."

Naomi chuckled and laughed, "I suppose we can give it a go! Ellie! Mabel! Go get the sleeping gear and start cleaning up!! Next town we stop at, we'll by some gear for Toba and Selie!"
"O-Oh! no my dear, you don't need to go to those lengths for us!"
"Hey! We're returning to favour for buying our bread!"

Naomi clapped and the girls began to scramble around, running back and forth, packing up their makeshift bed and blankets.

"Let's get this show on the road!!"
"Alright!! This is awesome!!"
"Hahahaha yay!! We're going on a trip, Mi-Mi!!!"


"Maes, Dear!! Be careful!!"
"Don't worry, mama!! I will!!"

Zelda watched the little boy running around the courtyard, chasing the butterflies and, more importantly, the dogs. She couldn't help but smile as she heard his laughter mixing in with the howls and joyous barks of their royal pets. From his unruly blonde hair, small stature and boisterous nature, the three year old boy was every bit like a mix of his sisters....The sisters he didn't even know he had. Oh how Link and Zelda missed their girls, but they were content with looking after Maes, as he was born a year after their disappearance, he was about to turn three in a few months.

Maes giggled, rolling around on the ground as the dog jumped on him, licking his face. "B-Bonnie!! Down girl!! Down!!" He squeals between fits of in laughter.
"Maes!! Son!! Off the ground please!"
"Sorry mama!!"

With that, the little boy got off the ground and ran over to his mother. What he did next shocked Zelda. Digging through his pocket, he pulled out what looked like an old family photograph. Zelda was smiling and standing beside Link, who also had a proud grin on his face. In the queens arms, was a young infant, dressed in a silk, stark white dress, her dark brown strands of hair neatly brushed and tucked under a flower garment.

Resting on beside Link, was another girl. From her cheesy grin, so her happy eyes, everything seemed cheeky about her. She too wore a dress, only it wasn't white, but forest green. Her hair was quite messy, and was tied back into a small braid. Little brown sandals rested on her tiny, delicate feet, a little gap in her teeth showing through her outgoing grin.

And standing at the front of the family, was another, who looked a little older than the second. She looked possibly around the age of seven or eight. Her hair was styled into a long ponytail, and her fringe puffed out like the clouds. Her eyes shone with excitement. Her dress was a purpley shade, with a light blue cardigan, and flats were slipped onto her feet.

Maes pointed at their faces, which were drawn around with heart shapes, "Mama? Who're they....?"

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