Chapter 16: Better Than You

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"Can you just open the door?" I am desperate to get out of here.

"Pass me that first." The smirk on his face and the way his eyes would not look away from mine make me feel more uncomfortable. 

I turn around and take what feels like a piece of fabric. I give it to him. He opens the door and I rush outside. I can smell the joint Daniel's smoking.

"Dan I need a ride to the restaurant." Harry says from behind me. 

Why does he want a ride? To Daniel's event?

"Get in." Daniel says as he throws his joint to the grass.

I get in and see the piece of fabric I gave Harry was a actually a beanie. I still don't know why Harry is coming. 

"Where are we going anyway?" I ask

"Geoffrey's." Daniel responds.

"Why are we going again?"

"It's this family thing, because Harry's mother is my aunt and she's getting married in like 3 months." Oh right, the wedding.

"She knew that already." Harry blurts out.

"I forgot." 

"You love me, you didn't forget." Harry's ego is so high. I didn't know about your mother's wedding, deal with it.

"I hate you, and I did forget." I emphasized the word hate a lot.

"Oh really you do?" Harry's sarcastic tone is like a threaten to tell Daniel about us. 

I don't answer. Instead I take Daniel's cigarettes and light one.

"Dan your girlfriend smokes a little too much." Harry says.

He's doing it on purpose, to annoy me.

"I know, I think it's hot. I mean look at her, she's the hottest girl I've laid hands and eyes on." Daniel is so disrespectful.

"I can't agree, I haven't had the chance to check her out. I will though now." Tell me more Harry, about what you haven't done with me. They both laugh.

I finish my cigarette and we get there. Daniel hands the keys to the valet parking guy. He puts his arm around my shoulders and I put mine around his waist. I love doing this so much.

We go inside and I see Daniel's mother right away. We all say hi and they ask for a separate table for us. Harry's mother's name is Anne, she's a beautiful women. I know where he got his looks from, maybe he got his jerkiness from his father. We sit, really far away from the other table. 

"I have a fake." Daniel informs us.

"Me too." Harry says.

"I don't, that's unfair!" I blurt out.

"You shouldn't drink, you know what that makes you do." Harry says.

"What?" Daniel asks and I don't know what to say.

"She pukes a lot." Harry says.

"How do you know?" Daniel is starting to get too curious I might scream.

"Acacia told me." Harry's words make me calm down and I can't believe he actually covered me. Well us.

"She's such teller." I follow his story.

"You are too." Harry says and I remember our fight about this when I was tutoring him.

"I'm not."

"Whatever." He pauses. "I don't like the girl who's tutoring me. She's not understandable and I didn't learn anything. I want you back." Harry says as he takes out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

"You'll have her until next week, sorry." I say and something about this makes me so happy.

"I don't fucking want her." Harry's tone is more serious and loud.

"I don't care." I say trying to lower his tone.

"You two need to chill. I don't even know why you hate each other, you are two are the same person." Daniel says.

"We are not." I say in a tone of disgust.

"You are, you two should spend some quality time together. Go surfing or something." Daniel has to stop suggesting shit.

"No we shouldn't." I repeat.

"Dan, it's because she sucks." What the actual fuck?! He's been here for two months and he thinks he surfs?

"I am a better surfer than you! You are a little British jerk that thinks he surfs but you don't! Wake up from your little bubble." I am so mad right now.

"Just go on Friday with him and bond or something." Daniel seems more interested in his phone than the conversation.

"Fine!" I tell Harry.


[I hope you liked it!! Please leave your feedback and vote if you liked it<3] 

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