Aug. 12th, 2015

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I was hatched out of my egg a few days ago, at least that's what I was told by the neighboring reptiles. Day in, day out, there were these creatures looking at us, with big eyes, taking my brothers and sisters every once in a while. I believe the snakes called them humans. Humans, they have neither scales or fur, except for varying kinds of fur on their heads and weird things covering their sad bodies. There were little ones, big ones, long haired ones and short haired, thin and fat ones. It seemed like there were as many different ones as the animals that came with them. Creatures with black noses and careful eyes. Always on a kind of restraint. Dogs, I came to find out. The snakes were very intelligent, as they were older than my siblings and me. A human looked at me, things over it's eyes, dark brown hair, and a blue covering. It pointed at me, saying the words I had heard as my sibling were taken away. "I want this one."  A hand reached in, trying to take me. I stared in terror at it, as it closed in on me. It picked me up, and put me in a container. I ran around a bit, startled and shocked. I had been careful to hide in the tree cavity, out of sight. But I had went out on the tree's limbs to sun better, and fell asleep. Dang it! Now I was going to become like one of those dogs, chained and dependent on humans for everything. None of my siblings with me, I'd be alone.

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