Chapter 3

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My feet are tapping like crazy. It's like they don't know what to do with themselves. My fingers are running up and down the fabric on my chair trying to past time. I see a man with two little girls. The older girl is crying. She must be no older than 13. Her dad is hugging her as she wipes back the tears. The smaller one. She has to be around 3 is just looking not knowing what to do. They must have lost their mother.

"Grace Keley?" I look at a man with a scruffy beard and short hair with beaming blue eyes. I noticed the white hospital coat he had hanging on his broad shoulders, and a name tag that said Doctor Prantice.

"Uh... yes that's me." I say as I stand up as straight as possible and smooth out my light blue blouse from earlier today.

"I'm afraid that Charolette Otell has a serious fracture in her left ankle and we are trying to repair the damage of the bone best we can. Her ankle could recover fully depending on how she does during physical therapy. I'm happy to say that other than that she will be just fine."

I'm so overwhelmed with the great news that I leap into his arms feeling my eyes well up into tears. As soon as I realize what I had done I jump a few feet away and apologize almost immediately. He is holding back a full smile only letting a small grin come off into his face. A little grunt followed by a short laugh comes out from his mouth.

"It's alright... Haha" He says to break the silence. He takes his hands not knowing where to put them and places them into his white pockets. I smooth my blouse once again and formally ask if it's alright to see her. Dr. Prantice nods and turns around to show me the way.

When we finally reach Charlotte's room I eagerly walk in and greet her with a gentle hug and a warm, reassuring smile. She takes her hand a wearily pats the open space on the bed next to her. I sit down where she directed me and begin to catch up.

*        *        *

"Visiting hours are over Ms. Keley," The nurse says as she walks into the room and begins giving Charlotte her night time pills.

I slowly saunter across the room and quietly click the door shut. As I begin my journey home, thoughts begin to flood my brain about Ben. What am I going to do? Is it worth trying to get him back.. or should I attempt to move on?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2018 ⏰

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