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Okay another point of pointlessness..-^o^- again don't take it too seriously this idea came out from my friends and it's kinda nice to think harharhar

Now, on comments how 2 get them (^_^)? hmmm...

1. Kill your most favorite character...they'll hate you and lose vote but look at the bright side they commented ar! ar! ar! (^o^) peace man!

2. Wrong grammars...spellings...text message format...if they don't understand what your saying another comment on your story (^o^)? (But seruously that didn't work on me ar! ar! ar!)

3. Go to clubs and make friends...if that didn't work then make your own friends...WHAT?! harharhar

4. Ask people to comment...hmmm...well some people are irritated to that...(me?! I'm not so if its me it's alright though you can't get useful comment on me ar! ar! ar! (^o^)?...)

5. make people remember your story so they can comment when you post another chap...(wow atleast that's make sense (^O^)

6. Convince your readers not to read on their mobile phones...unless if its the latest model...Why? It's hard to post comment...since you'll go several steps in doing so...worst scenario: no comments

7. Promote your story...I know that's generic...but a lot of people here didn't do that...and those who tried to do get a lot of hate mails aka comments...but look at the positive side they notice you! (^O^)

8. Comment to other people's work...THE NEGATIVE IT IS THE BETTER...BUT TAKE NOTE IF YOUR DARE TO DO THAT FACE THE CONSEQUENCES...THEY'LL HATE YOU! (^o^)? but still be optimistic you are known...

9. Ask question on your story they might answer you! ar! ar!

10. Okay if you can't attract a comment then post another story that might attract...don't be conform in conformity...spread your wings and aim high...just don't fly hurts when you fell down (^_^)? It's a total BLAG! eh.

11. remember before Einstein discover his inventions he had 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration...Don't give up you might lose the 1% that may lead to your success (^O^)/

12. Ask your friends and relatives to make an acct. on wattpad then comment to your work...but be careful not to get them angry or you'll be dead...

13. Nothing more to say just loving number 13 har! har! har!


If you had other ideas share it with me

luv Mis4-2n8 \(^o^)/

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