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  I wake up every morning, wishing I didn't." -Unknown

Life. Life is hard when you are an 18 year old werewolf in a high school infested by humans. Life is hard when you can't trust anyone with your secret, not even your mother, the one who birthed you. Life is hard when all you can think about is tearing someone's throat out and ripping through their tendons to feed from their bodies. Life is hard when at any moment, you want to blow up and shift. You want to give in, lose control. Feed the beast. It's hard when no one understands what you go through every day.


Chapter I: Life

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Chapter I: Life

"Creep." Malina Benson spits at me as I walk by. I grind my teeth, holding back a snarl. I can't wait until I can tear her body apart in the most excruciating way. I smirk just thinking about it, her lifeblood sliding down my throat, her bloodcurdling screams echoing off the hollow trees with no one to hear them. I can practically feel my teeth ripping her skin from her worthless corpse. With an insanely large grin, I excitedly let my imagination run free. Absentmindedly running my tongue over my lips, I shake my head, ashamed of thinking like this at school. I cannot kill anyone here no matter how much they may deserve it. Okay, Melody, you've got this. Just one more hour and we can hunt. I breathe deeply, walking into my last hour. I sit in the seat farthest from the front. This seat gives me a view of all the students filing in.

Without warning, I feel my wolf try and force her way up and I do everything I can to shove the beast back down. Can't she just wait just one more hour? These are the times I wish she would just let me have complete control over my own body.

"Okay everyone. Since today is the last day of school, why not tell everyone what you are doing this summer?" Mrs. Benson, Malina's mom, speaks. Everyone looks at her like she's dumb and they continue talking.

"Melody! What are you doing this summer?" She asks me and I give her a glare, crossing my arms.

"I am going out to my cabin." To kill, obviously I can't tell them that. God, why couldn't I be in a school with werewolves? I roll my eyes as Mrs. Benson glares at me for giving her a short answer.

"What will you be doing at this cabin?" She asks and I sigh, annoyed.

"Hunting." I say and she turns, seemingly satisfied, to talk to another student. I open my sketchbook to the first page. A drawing of a wolf was etched onto the page. A dreamcatcher hung low on it's neck and there were tribal markings on its head. I begin to shade with my pencil and used my finger gently to smudge it together. Soon it was finished, drawn to perfection like it was real. On the bottom I wrote in french, my true language. I sigh as the bell rings loudly in my ears. Closing it quickly, I gently pick it up and zip my backpack. I hold onto my book and pencil, running out of the school. Thank god, I was hungry for the last ten hours. I know, school isn't that long, but it feels like it. Oh yeah before leaving, I have to graduate. Stupid school. I speed past every tree, making sure not to drop anything. My feet hit the ground until I stop in front of my home. It was a smaller home, a cottage as some call it. My mother was outside, watering the plants. Her beautiful black hair was up in a braid, with her cerulean green eyes enhanced by her clear glasses. I slow down to a walk as I pass by her. I give her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Is my gown here yet?" I ask her and she nods with a small grin.

"Yes hon. Up in your room, you going out into the forest tonight?" Mom asks and I nod quickly. I hurry into my home, walking past the couch and towards my room. I drop my stuff onto the bed and grab another pair of clothes. I walk out the door from my room towards the forest. Finally, I can be free in my wolf form. I drop my clothes behind a tree, where no one will find them. I walk farther into the forest until I can no longer see my home. I close my eyes, thinking of my wolf form. The feeling of my beautiful white fur, moving in the wind. My wolf's blue eyes, seeing everything heightened, and hearing the rush of the lifeblood as it runs through the veins of all I hunt. I groan as my bones begin to break, making my limbs go into different directions. Each joint separates, dislocating before the length and size of the bones themselves begin to change.

 Each joint separates, dislocating before the length and size of the bones themselves begin to change

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I finally change into my wolf and I feel her watching through my eyes. Dormantly awaiting her orders. 'Let's kill her.' I command and I feel her let out a wolf-like chuckle. In a second her amusement fades, filling our vision with red bloodlust as we take off into the forest, going past all of the trees. We stop in front of a mansion with a red convertible sits out. Malina stands on the phone next to this car. I inwardly smirk barreling towards her. She begins to scream but I leap upwards, tearing into her neck, breaking her voice before it finishes its journey. She falls to the ground and I pull her by her pant leg towards the forest. She thrashes madly but will never be strong enough as I continue to drag her.

'I give you complete control. Do as you please.' I let her take the control chair, seeing through eyes that are not my own as Luna makes quick work of Malina's intestines. It suddenly occurs to me I may be able to use this time to get some shut-eye.

"Wake up." Luna snarls at me and I groan in annoyance. I open my eyes to be face to face with darkness. It takes a moment for night vision to take over. I notice Melina's body, (or what's left of it) lying beside me and I smirk. Bitch finally got what she had coming. I stand up quickly, running towards my home. I stop once I get to the tree with my clothes behind it to slide into the pajama shorts and tank top as I jog into my room. I go towards my bathroom, and as soon as I approach the mirror I notice what a mess Luna has made of my hair. seeing all of the branches and twigs in my hair . Luna always get stuff on me. I quickly take everything off once again, getting into the shower. I change into another pair of pajamas, putting my hair into a box braid. I did it as quickly as I could, which only took five minutes with my enhanced speed.

"Mother are you still awake?" I say, walking out of my bedroom into the living room. I notice my mom sitting on the couch, reading a book. I smile lightly, she loved reading especially fantasy. I sit down next to her, putting my head on her lap.

"Hello Melody. How was your walk in the woods?" Mom asks and plays with my hair.

"It was amazing mother, I saw the most beautiful wolf. It was white and with blue eyes." I tell her, smiling slightly. She chuckles lightly.

"Sounds amazing. Now why don't we both go to bed. You have a big day tomorrow, you are finally graduating." Mother frets and I chuckle, sitting up. "Are you leaving your hair like that tomorrow?" She asks and I nod. She gives me a big smile, she loves when my hair is like this. I stand up, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"What doesn't kill me might make me kill you." -Unknown  

Thank you Flyingrobotunicorn for your amazing help in editing this chapter. I hope you can continue helping me because you are amazing at writing. If only you published your books on wattpad for people to read them. I also hope I put the right username for the right person or this would be very awkward. haha. Also thank you guys for everything, I know no one likes to participate or anything like that but I still love you all and writing for you. I hope you will all like, comment, and share for my friends amazing work on editing my horrendous chapter. Byeeee!

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