My scars show the past

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Trigger warning: conversation about self harm

:Rickys POV:
Honestly I'm pretty happy that Scars gonna live with me.
Hopefully she's excited too.
I looked over at her, smiling.
"Hey scar?"
"Are you excited to come live with me?"
"Yea of cource. Why would you ask that?" She chuckled
"Cuz I wanted to make sure that you're as excited as I am" I said smiling knowing that she feels the same way

*Ricky's house*

I sat down on the couch and Scar sat with me
"What do ya wanna do?" Scar asked
"I don't know. Wanna watch a movie?"
"Yea sure"

We picked out Dark Shadows
(If you know that movie, I love you)
We watched it until Scar fell asleep snuggled into my chest.
She's so adorable and gorgeous.
I don't know why her mom hates her or why she hates herself.

*next morning*
:Scars POV:
I woke up snuggled into Ricky's chest.
He looks so cute when he asleep.
I got up trying not to wake Ricky but I did.
"Morning gorgeous " he said sounding tired
"Morning" I kissed his cheek and got up
I went into his kitchen, we'll I guess it's our kitchen now, and got a glass of water.
I sat down at the table and saw his phone light up when he got a text.
It read "Hey baby! Good morning❤"
This could mean so many thing and I hope it's not what I think it is.

"Uhh. Ricky who's this?"
"What are you talking about?"
"You got a text message saying 'Hey baby! Good morning' with a heart. Please explain"

He seemed speechless

"Now!" I yelled.
"Listen it's a girl that used to go out with a year ago. She still texts me but I have no interest in her anymore. I only love you"

"Okay I believe you but if I found out you have something with her, you're in BIG trouble"
"I love you"
"I love you too"

*five hours later*
(Still scars POV)

I was getting pretty tired so I went to go change.
I got batman pajama pants and a sleeveless plain black shirt.

I walked in the room and laid next to Ricky.
I saw him shot up an I got scared

:Rickys POV:
Scar laid next to me.
Her arms caught my attention and I saw they're was covered in scars and I saw a few fresh cuts.

"Scar? What's that?"i said pointing to her arms
"Oh. I-its nothing " She covered her arms with he covers

"No scar! It's not just 'nothing' tell me why!"
She shook her head
"Scar! Please tell me!" I yelled
"Stop yelling!" She screamed
"Not until you tell me!"

"Cuz my life is shit and I wanna die! Nobody loves me, not even my family! Every one hates me including myself and sometimes I feel like dieing could take all the pain away! Sometimes I feel like dieing is the best option! Nobody's gonna care if im gone anyways! I just wanna escape this world"

(BTW I know dieing isn't the best option. Pls don't take this seriously cuz I don't think this. Please stay strong and never give in <3)

I felt my chest tighten up.
She really thinks nobody cares for her, nobody love her, she hates herself more then I thought.

"I'm sorry Scar. I just wanted to help. I love you, I care for you, I would care. I would be depressed out of my mind if you were gone. I don't think I could live without you."

"You dont mean it! I know you dont!!" Scar yelled with tears running down her face.

She ran out the door and I ran after her.
I ran out door and didn't see her.
God I'm worried. What if something happens?
I gotta find her.

In sorry it sucks! I'm not the best writer but I like doing it anyways doesn't matter to me.

What do you think happens to Scar?
Just to tell you it's not so good.

See you later Biersackians!

Ricky's Best Friend//Ricky Horror Love Story [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now