At the end of the world, I'll remember to bring you flowers

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:Ricky's POV:
"Scarlet's awake, although she lost a lot of blood. She was very close to death. By the look of her arms, legs and hips, she's an addictive self harmer"
The nurse informed me.
"But she hasn't cut for almost a year now...well, until what happened today of course but those scars are old"
"Um, sir no matter how old they are, she needs help. She's an addictive self harmer, she has bipolar depression and we diagnosed anxiety. It's your choice Mr.Olson, she goes to therapy, possibly a mental Institute and gets better or she stays here with you and most likely won't get any better. Choose what's best for her"
God damn.
I don't know what to do!
She'll hate me if I send her to therapy and possibly a mental Institute.

"I've gone to therapy before, they didn't help. They scared the shit out of me. I'm not going to do that to Scar. I love her way to much to put her in that kind of situation. I'm sorry but she's staying with me. She's not going to therapy or any of that other bullshit."
I said.
The nurse sighed.
"We'll if she doesn't get any better and ends up in the hospital again, it's on you. We all know she's gonna cut herself again, but you choose to let her. She's not my wife so I'm not going to argue. Do whatever you want"
She said rudely.
God, her attitude is worse than mine.
"Good. Stay out of it, I'll protect her with all I have, every day of my life. Now, can I see my wife?"

She hesitated but nodded her head and told me her room number.
"One at a time please" She said putting her hand on my chest.
"Fuck off"
I shoved past her and ran to Scar's room.
Finally, I got there and slowly opened the door.
Scar was sitting in her hospital bed, staring down at her wrists.
She looked up and tears quickly formed in her eyes.
I ran to her bed and hugged her tightly.
She buried her head in my neck and sobbed.
"I'm so sorry Rick. I just didn't know what else to do. I was so sad." She cried.
"It's alright just promise me that you'll never leave my side, just like I promised you"
She nodded her head.
"I promise"


We finally got to our house again.
Everybody gave her pep talks on to never self harm again.
She even promised everybody not to.
Hopefully she keeps her promise and doesn't let us all down.
I lead her to our room and onto the bed.
"Rest baby. We'll talk later and this time please tell me what made you do this" I pleaded.
"Um, can we talk now. I need to get it all off my chest"
I nodded my head and layed on the bed with her, face to face.

"At the movie theaters these three girls stopped me. They told me I was worthless, weak and that I should kill myself. At first it didn't affect me until they said you were using me for the sex because you're hot and could get any girl you want but only chose me beause you saw me as the most vulnerable and slutty girl and that you were better off with Jessica. For some reason I started to believe them. I thought all you guys were in on an act to only pretend to like me. I started to tell myself I was ugly and worthless and that you are using me. I didn't want to believe it but for some reason, I did. I'm so stupid, I'm sorry" She said, tears rolling down her cheeks.

I sighed.
"Scar, I'm not using you. If I was I wouldn't marry you. I married you becuase I truly love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. We all do. Trust me, we were going crazy knowing you self harmed again. You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life. I chose you over every other girl out there because I fell in love with you. You're my first and true love. I didn't love Jessica, I thought I did but I then I realized that every kiss I shared with her wasn't at all passionate, just lust, same with having sex with her, we didn't make love, I only fucked her. You're perfect to me. No matter how many scars you have on your body or how many flaws or 'imperfections' you have, I'll always love you. You're beautiful, funny, lead guitarist for a motherfucking band, and you have beautiful voice. About that you should have at least a small part in one of your songs. Oh and did I mention that you got a nice ass"
I stated and it all was true.
Scar giggled and smiled.
"I love you" She said.
"I love you too"

She cuddled into my chest as I put my arms around her small body.
I love this, this feeling of being with someone you love.
We soon fell asleep.

Sorry for the short chapter. It's kind of a filler so it's not that great, or interesting.

See you soon my Biersackians!❄

Ricky's Best Friend//Ricky Horror Love Story [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now