I'll see you in hell

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(Ricky's fucking adorable. He looks so happy in the picture. But his fetus hair makes me laugh♡)

:Ricky's POV:
We finally got home.
Scar sat down on the couch and turned on the tv.
I sat next to her and put my arm around her shoulders.
She jumped at my touch.
"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked.
She only quickly nodded her head.
I sighed.
"Scar I'm going to get it out of you one way or another"
"Rick I can't tell you. Well not right now at least"
I sighed and turned my body towards her.
"You know you can tell me anything. Please?"
She sighed and looked at me.
I could see tears in her eyes.
"Okay. But promise me you won't be mad"
I was so confused.
"I promise"
It can't be that bad, can it? No.
"Ricky, the doctor told me I-I'm...pregnant with your child"

My breath hitched in my throat and my chest felt tight.
I mean when we have this child, I'll love it and protect it but I never wanted a kid.
(I feels XD)
I still don't but I guess I have no choice.
How are we going to take good care of it?
A kid can't have a proper childhood when both parents are in a metal band.
I would never make Scar give up her dreams becuase of our child and I wouldn't want to give mine up either.
I know it sounds selfish but it's the truth.

"Ricky? Are you okay?" She asked pulling me out of my thoughts.
I shook my head.
I stood up and grabbed my keys, my wallet and my phone.
I quickly walked out of our house while Scar called my name out.
I just needed time to think this all through.
I got to admit I am a little mad that I'm going to be a father in just a couple of months.
I got in my car and drove off to Chris' house.


I pulled into his drive way and got out of my car.
I walked to his front door.
I have keys to his house so I went right in.
"Chris!" I yelled sitting down on his couch.
He ran out of his room and smiled.
"Hi!" He said sitting next to me.
"What's up?"
"It's Scar"
He sighed and chuckled a little.
"What is it this time?" He added.
"She's pregnant" I said.

Chris laughed.
"No seriously what's up?"
"Scar's pregnant"
"What?! It's yours right?" He said freaking out.
I can't tell is he's excited or if he's scared but it seems like both.
Same, I've got too many emotions running though me all at once.
It's frustrating me.
"Yea it's mine but I don't know what to do"
"Have the child and you'll eventually grow to love it. Trust me it won't be that bad...I think?"

He sounds unsure about it, mostly becuase he's never gone though this but I guess he's right.
I really can grow to love a child.
"Thanks Chris, but I feel so bad. I just walked out on Scar after she told me. I did it out of anger. I just couldn't believe it" I said.
He looked at me with disappointment.
But honestly I don't blame him, what I did was a very stupid, dick move.
"Go home. Now. Tell her your sorry" he said.
I nodded my head.
I gave him a quick hug and ran out of his house.
I got in my car and drove home.


"Scar!" I yelled as I ran into our house.
I walked to the bedroom and saw her laying in bed.
I layed next to her and put my hand on her side.
"Scar, look I'm sorry about earlier. I just didn't know what to do" I said rubbing her back.
She looked at me, giving me a half-hearted smile.
"It's alright. I know it was a little too much for you to handle at the moment. I should've waited for the right time" She said.
I'm glad she's not mad, we don't really have time to fight right now.
Especially becuase she has a baby on the way and stress is never good during pregnancy.
"No! It was good you told me today. We'll tell everybody tomorrow. Yea?"
She nodded her head.
"Oh but Chris already knows. I just came from his house"
"Okay, that's fine"
I smiled at her and got up.
She followed me into the living room.
We both sat down on the couch, Scar cuddled into my side and my arms around her body.

Honestly I'm starting to feel a little glad she's pregnant.
That means we'll officially be a little family
I smiled at the thought.
"Why are you smiling?" Asked Scar poking my cheek.
I looked down at her.
"I was thinking about how I'm starting to feel happy about how there's going to be another tiny Olson running around. How it'll be our little devil and we'll raise her and be happy"
I couldn't stop smiling.
It was just too good to be true.
"Her? How are you so sure it'll be a girl?" She asked.
"We'll I'm not but if I'm going to have a child, I'm hoping it's a girl"
She laughed.
"Me too"

I pulled my arms away from Scar and looked down at her stomach.
"Soon this cute little stomach of yours is going to be holding our little girl" I said looking at her flat stomach and putting my hand on it.
"Scar I can't wait to raise this child" I said.
"Me neither"

I was getting happier and more excited about being a future dad every time I thought about our baby.
Maybe this whole being a parent thing won't be that bad after all.

Hi guys!! So here's another update. I'll most likely be updating a lot becuase I have almost nothing to do every day so I'll just use all my free time to draw, listen to music and write more chapters! Yup that's right guys, you're reading a story who's author has no life at all.
See you guys soon!

OOH! And not this Saturday but next Saturday I'm going to see some bands! And one of the bands singer looks exactly like how I last saw my dad and it makes me cry every time I see him becuase I miss my dad so very much. But I'm super excited. Oh and I'm getting in for free, but only becuase the event was set up by my mom becuase that's her career, setting up events with bands and artists (of cource they're only rock, metal, metalcore, ska, industrial, hard rock, death metal, urban, etc. bands/artists). She may seem cool but honestly she's not as good as she seems. Yea I love and appreciate her and she's cool sometimes but most of the time she's a pain in the ass but I still love her.
OKAY enough of my annoying notes after each chapter!

See you soon my Biersackians!☁

Ricky's Best Friend//Ricky Horror Love Story [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now