If you mean it, you'll make it

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Two weeks later

:Ricky's POV:
I woke up in Ash's bed.
Today Motionless In White, New Years Day and Into The Roses go on tour together.
All the bands met up at Ash's house, I don't know why but Chris ordered them to.
I had already packed so I didn't have to worry about anything.
I'm happy that we're finally going on tour again but then I'm also fucking sad because Scar still hasn't talked to me.
I've said sorry so many times but she just seems to not care and ignore me.
Why do I have to fuck shit up so much?

"Guys let's get going!" Yelled Ryan from the front door.
We all scurried out the house.
We have to wait six hours till we get to the first venue.
I got in the bus and ran into the bunk room.
I put all my stuff into a middle bunk.
The middle bunk is always the best.
I walked into the front lounge and looked out the window.
I saw Ash and Scar talking.
At that moment, all the memories from that night I cheated on Scar came rushing through my mind.
I pushed those thoughts aside and walked outside to say bye to the other two bands.
I walked to Ash first, mostly becuase I stayed at her house for the past two weeks.
"Thank you for everything, seriously. I'll see you later" I said.
"No problem! If you ever need anything, come to our bus and we can talk. Okay?"
I nodded my head.
She smiled.
I then turned to face Scar.
I almost hugged her, I almost gave her a kiss, but I stopped myself.
I really, really wanted to but I knew I shouldn't.
"Um, b-bye" I said quietly, it was almost a whisper.
She only turned away and walked into her bus.
I sighed heavily and stormed off into mine.
I'm not mad at her, but at myself.
I just had to ruin everything.
I could've been with Scar right now.
Hugging her, kissing her, telling her how much I love her.
But no, instead I'm in my band's bus crying, missing her and wishing I could take back everything I had done that night at the bar.
I suddenly felt the bus move.
We were're on our way.

I just couldn't stop thinking about Scar.
I couldn't stop thinking about how mad she looked when I told her what I had done.
I could never forgive myself for hurting her like this.
Even if I was drugged, I still fucked a girl that isn't Scar, my wife...my first and last love.
That is something that couldn't be forgaven for a very long time, especially when your girl is pregnant.

This is really short but it's just a filler. I'll update soon.

Bye my Biersackians!❄☁

Ricky's Best Friend//Ricky Horror Love Story [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now