Chapter 10 - One day away.

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Shawn runs into my room.


'I, need, to, ask, you, something.' He says gasping for air.

'Go for it.' He smiles and takes a step closer.

'Would you do me the honour.' He smiles. 'And be my girlfriend?' 

'I would love too.' I smile back, he leans down and kisses me softly. He walks out of the room leaving me really happy. I walk downstairs to meet Cam. We walk to his car to drive to the photoshoot. 'So,' Cam says breaking the silence. 'Shawn asked you out?' 

'Yeah..' I was slightly shocked, he is completely calm, and he looks happy.



'Yeah, good.'

'Okay...' I'm so confused and surprised. We drive to the photoshoot in silence. 

We take the photos. Decide on the good ones and drive back to the hotel to pack our things.

We get to the airport at 2. > SKIP TO FLIGHT < 

We get on the plane, Magcon are the only people on the plane, a special plane just for us. I sit in between J and Shawn. Its a 1 and a half hour flight, I plug in my earphones and sit back in my seat. I have an hour to think. 

I'm 17 in less than 24 hours, my boyfriend is Shawn Mendes, my brother is Cameron Dallas, My best friends are Mahogany Lox and Jack Johnson, I'm in Magcon! I'm living the life. Everything is going great for once. Last time I was this happy was when dad still lived with us, when we went on beach day trips. 

One of my earphones gets pulled out of my ear. I look over to Shawn who puts it up to his ear to hear what I'm listening too. Of course it's Jack and Jack. My Magcon playlist is the playlist I listen to the most. > SKIP REST OF FLIGHT<

We land in Philly at 3 30 got our stuff and started to drive to Magcon. We arrive at Magcon at 4. 15 minutes till we go on stage. The boys are making vines and on snapchat like always. I hear screaming fans rush in. > SKIP TILL ON STAGE <

'The whole Magcon family wants to wish a special happy birthday to Evie for tomorrow!' Cam says over the screaming fans. '1, 2, 3.' Everyone starts to sing happy birthday. It was so embarrassing and amazing at the same time. Everyone starts to cheer and scream. 

We walk of stage at the end of the show. We go to the hotel and sign in, we run up to our rooms. I'm with Cam, again. 'Cam, I'm not staying in the next hotel with you.'

'Why not?'

'Coz I'm gonna be 17. I don't need a babysitter.'

'Alright, but you're not being in a room with Shawn.' I look at him and pout. 'No.'

'You're mean.' I giggle. We order pizza for dinner. Cam goes to pick it up. I hear my phone go off, I stand up and walk over to my phone. 

Shawn - Hey

Me - Hello

Shawn - Are you doing anything?

Me - I'm waiting for Cam to get back with dinner. 

> End of convo < 

The door open and Shawn walks in. He grabs my face and pushes his lips to mine. 'Well hey.' 

'God you're gorgeous.' I smile and giggle. Cam walks in with the pizza. 

'Oh, hey Shawn. We got extra if you want any.'

'Cool thanks.' He comes over to me standing by the kitchen bench. We eat our pizzas silently.

'You guys are so cute together.'

'Wow.' I'm really shocked.


'Those are words I never thought you would say to me, or about me.'

'Well it's the truth.'

'Thanks?' Cam winks at me. I shake my head and roll my eyes.


I wake up to the boys in my room singing happy birthday at midnight. 

'Haha thanks.'
'Happy 17th Evie!' They all say snapchatting it. 

'Thanks guys.' They all laugh. 

'We'll let you sleep, we've planned a great day for you.' Cam laughs as they all walk out. I fall asleep straight away. I'm 17.

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