Chapter 6 - Decisions, decisions.

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~ Evie ~

I wake up at like 9, I walk out into the living room, no ones here. I decide to take a shower. I get out, I leave my hair to dry normally. I put on my white shoulder sleeved crop top with a pink bowed skirt. I put on some mascara with light pink lipstick. Magcon's at 4. Plenty of time. I play music on my phone, aftertaste comes on, I sit in the living room singing while on my laptop. I start to sing along and the boys walk in. Cam decides to run up behind me, not quiet, I turn around as he attempts to scare me. 'You ruined it.' 

'You're not quiet.' He jumps onto the couch next to me.

'What ya doin?' 

'Nothing that involves you.' He frowns, I smile at him. 

'Alrighty, just show me.' I close my laptop and move it away. 'Why won't you show me, what are you getting up to?'

'Nothing. Drop it.' He screws his nose at me, I push his face away. 

'Alright, what are we doing today?' Nash asks. I smile at Cam 

'No, you can go shopping with Mahogany and Madison later.' I screw my nose at him. 

'What about a trampoline park?' Shawn asks. Everyone agrees. 

Shawn, Nash, Cam, Taylor, Hayes, Jacks, Matt and I go to the trampoline park and bounce after for 2 hours. We get some lunch at a cafe,  we go back to the hotel at about 1. 

'Well what are we going to do for 3 hours?' I ask. They all look up from there phones and shrug.'You guys are so boring, all you do is sit on your phones.'

'Well what are we supposed to do?' Taylor asks.

'Go out side, go for a run or something, I don't know anything but on your phone.' Matt looks at me and cringes. 'I should make you all go for a run.'

'NO. We're getting of our phones.' Matt panics. I roll my eyes laughing.

'What are we going to do then. I'm going swimming join me if you want.' I get into my bikini and come out and they're all standing there in there swimming trunks. 'Cool, lets go then.' We all went down to the pool we met Daniel, Hayes and Mahogany down there. I dived into the pool first followed by the jacks then the rest of the boys. After about half an hour of swimming around with the boys I decide to get out. I sit down with Mahogany on the grass. 'Hey.'

'Hey, I love your bikini, and so do the boys.' She laughs.

'Stop.' I say teasing. I told her what happened when Cam found out about Matt and me. 

'Oh god, so you can't go out with anyone now?'

'He said Shawn would be better for me, just not Matt.'


'Yeah, so when's Madison coming?'

'Uh, she's meeting us in Philly.'

'Oh nice.'

'Johnson and Shawn are coming over here. Act normal.'

'Why wouldn't I?' I giggle.

'Hey girlies.' Johnson says.

'Hey guys.' Johnson looks at Shawn and smiles.'Whats up.' They just stand there silently. 'You can sit down, or talk?' I look at Mahogany.

'Yeah lets sit.' Johnson pulls Shawn down.

'Why did you guys come over here?' I ask breaking the silence.

'Wanted to see how you guys are doing.' Johnson says.

'We're doing good.' 

'Good good.' I raise my eyebrows at Johnson. He mouths 'He wanted to ask you something.' I smile at Shawn and he starts to blush, it's cute.

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