chapter one:

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Chapter one:

"We need food, Emali. Denali needs it. She's only seven years of age. You and I can take it because we're older. But we need to go. For Denali's sake." Matthew said and pointed to my sister that laid on the forest floor.

Her ribs were showing through her thin and ragged, blue tunic. Her black hair was clean, but uncared for. Her cheekbones were hollow and dark circles were lining her blue eyes. The noticeable sign of hunger.

Matthew looked no better, but he is a boy. And boys are stronger. And he ate more recently. His dark brown curls were clean at least, but leaves were sticking out of it. His liquid golden eyes were looking tired. He looked as thin as a stick in his ripped shirt and filthy brown tights.

I was probably looking the worst. We had washed up near a stream this morning, but it didn't wash away my hunger, nor the scars that were scattered over my body. My black hair was clean and untamed. But the dark circles around my golden eyes were almost black. It looked like bruises. My cheekbones were painfully hollow.

Since I gave most of my food to my siblings. And I looked after them more than I did to myself.

My faded red dress was rather clean but still ripped and ragged. My bare feet were bleeding. At least I had managed to steal my siblings some shoes, even though they were a few sizes too big. But it worked.

"Yes. Then we will go get some food. But I am gonna get it. You will have to watch over Denali." I replied and got my sister on her feet with my brothers help.

We had walked a few miles and it was turning hot. The sun was blazing right above our heads. I could feel myself dehydrating. But we finally arrived at the busy streets.

Many markets were lining the streets. Many a man were walking by in rich clothing and we'll fed stomachs. They had their money, but we have our loyalty.

I led my brother and sister to the back of a brothel. It reeked of manure and other unidentified stench. But it was the safest. Out of sight.

"Stay here. I will go get some food. Remember Matthew, if anyone tries to harm Denali or you, you kill them. No hesitation. Be safe and I will be right back." I kissed both of them on their heads. Matthew gave me a nod of his head, but Denali's could barely keep her eyes open.

I turned around and ran into the crowd, eager to get some food and help my family.

Many people were looking at me like I was mad. Perhaps I was mad to do what I'm about to do, but I was not letting my siblings down. I was the eldest one and I needed to take responsibility for them.

I have looked after those two for four years now. Ever since my parents and other siblings died. We had no family that was willing to take us in, because of our reputation.

I ran past some jewelry markets and those who sold soft silk and other clothes. But I finally spotted a good market.

I crept behind the man who owned the stall and grabbed a few rolls of bread that were in the basket beside me. They were burn, but I didn't care. Food is food.

I was slipping away when the big bellied man noticed me with his bread in my hands.

"Thief! She stole my bread! Guards! A thief, a thief!" The man was pointing at me and attracting the attention of six guards.

I took that as my queue and I began to run. The guards were now chasing after me and I pushed my thin legs to carry me faster.

I could hear their footsteps behind me, so I ran into a spice stall and slid underneath a table, throwing them off.

I jumped up again as I reached the end and ran to where I left my siblings. The guards stood around the spice market, still thinking that I was there. Not noticing that I had escaped.

I grinned as I approached my siblings with my prize in hand. Denali's eyes lit up when she caught sight of the food. Matthew jumped up and grabbed three rolls, handing two to Denali.

We did not speak as we ate. Denali was having her third roll as the guards I evaded, found us.

"There! Behind the brothel! Get them!" Three guards ran at us and I knew there was no escape.

The back alleyway was blocked off by a wall, and Denali was still too weak to make such a climb.

The guards grabbed each of us roughly. Denali was practically being held up instead of forced to stand. She was very weak.

I should have known not to risk it. I should have rather hunted. The security went up when Eddard Stark was killed. And multiplied when Robb started his rebellion.

"You will see what happens to thieves, you slut. King Joffrey does not take kindly to those who break the rules." The guard who held me, whispered in my ear and tightened his grip on me.

The guards were telling eachothers about what vermin we are as we approached the castle gates. It opened as we reached it.

We were dragged through the doors and man handled onto some stone steps. It would have been a magnificent sight if we weren't being dragged to our deaths.

"It will be okay." I whispered to my siblings as I saw the terror on their faces. They were too young to deserve this. I had failed them.

My terror started to kick in as we were thrown into the throne room. By the looks of it, we interrupted king Joffrey's fun. He was flaying a girl with red hair.

Sansa Stark.

My anger flared up as I watched her bloody body lying on the floor. King Joffrey looked murderous as he saw the guards dragging us in.

"What is the meaning of this?!" He shouted. His youthful face was etched with an unknown anger and hatred.

"Sorry, your Grace. But we found this one." The guard pushed me and I fell to my knees. "Stealing from a food merchant. She gave the food to these two rats." The guard pushed my siblings to the floor next to me. But the guard struck Denali when she whimpered at the contact of the fall.

That was enough to make me snap.

I stood up and evaded my guard's hands. I ran and kicked the guard who strikes my sister in his chest. The other guards were starting to close in but Matthew had stood up and started to fight along side me. Protecting our sister.

The guard that I kicked and the one that held me were charging at me.

I gave the nearest one an uppercut that broke his nose, and I kneed him in his groin.

The other one stopped as he saw what a little girl did to his comrade. I took his distraction as an advantage a punched him in the jaw, while giving him a roundhouse kick that made him fall on his back. Knocked out cold.

One of Matthew's guards were down, but one held him by his arms. Effectively subduing him.

My rage ebbed a little but came back, full force, as I heard Matthew whimper in pain. I saw that he was trying to be brave, but fear shone in his eyes.

I didn't know what I did to make the guard lose his hold on Matt, but I was seeing red. I didn't comprehend my actions. I just did what instinct told me. And that was to kill.

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