chapter six:

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Chapter six:

Joffrey's P.O.V.

I heard a shrill scream coming from Emali's chambers, coincidentally where I was headed.

I saw Emali herself, run towards the scream, way ahead of me.

I could hear her kick open the door, and a second later, a scream of pure agony echoed of the walls. My heart started to thud painfully in my chest.

But the sight that greeted me was enough to break my heart. Surprised that I have one? I know I am...

Emali was on her knees in her now scarlet chamber. Her brother was hanging above her cot and her sister was decapitated.

It was a gruesome sight. Even for me who cut out men's tongues because they dare to speak back.

Even I would not be as cruel to murder children. Much like myself, if I must begrudgingly admit.

"Denali! Erth don serviuse en closde defroneg ieg bineg di verno. Elmasfe dastrui en elroki vokalse don." She screeched out. Holding her sister's head in her hands.

She looked up and met my eyes. All I could see in those liquid gold depths, were hatered. Hatered, loss and pain.

"Revenge, my dear king, is what I want. And revenge, I will get. Even if it kills me. Even if it kills everyone!" And with that, she lay sobbing at her brother's feet. Just as my mother and some 'gold cloaks' entered.


It's been more than a week and Emali has not left her chamber once. She's not eating, and not speaking. She locked herself in so no one can enter. Not even her handmaidens.

I am worried for her health, not wanting a reputation of last time.

It broke my heart to know that she is in such agony. It shattered it to know that this was caused while she was in my care. My care!

That is why me and the hound are breaking down her door. Right now.

"Just one more kick Hound." I said to the man who's face is burnt. And he gave one big mighty kick, and the door broke of its hinges.

To my surprise, everything was rather clean, except the excuse of a door and a wall filled with holes and knives sticking out of it.

I saw Emali sitting in a corner, facing the wall so her back was to me. She had no clothes on, except some underwear.

"Emali? Emali, are you okay?" I asked and took a step towards her. But she did not respond.

I straightened my back and matched towards her, grabbing her arm so that she can save me.

What I saw, shocked me more that the sight of her dead siblings bodies.

Her face was still her face, beautiful and flawless, although a little pale. But it was what was beyond her head.

Her neck held a marking that reaches all the way to her back. Black ink that held word of no meaning to me. Old Valyrian, or Dothraki language.

Ink swirled like flowing water from the left side of her back, to the right. These markings were not new. They were rather very old. I just couldn't see it beneath her old red dress.

Now that I'm paying attention, I could see a golden sword marking on her right wrist with a shield next to it.

Her stomack was adorned with red and golden flames while her left arm held all of the houses sigils. All in correct colour too.

First was the Dravolis, then the Targaryen, Starks, Tully's, Lannister, Tyrells and everything leading up to the Baratheons.

She was not nude, now that I'm directly infront if her. She was clad in some animal skin top and bottom. It looked savage.

"I don't think that she's completely here with us, your Grace. Perhaps I should call on Grand Master Pysell?" The hound asked.

"I'm not crazy, Clegane. I am merely expressing my grief in a Dravolis kind of way. You better back off, your Grace. It would be unfortunate if you are to be hurt." I heard her speak. Her soft voice was as smooth as silk and dangerous as a sword's point.

I did as she said and backed off, standing beside the Hound. Other known as Clegane. How does she know that?

Emali's P.O.V.

My whole world had stopped when I realised my siblings were dead. My last Dravolis blood was exterminated.

Now I only have my distant relatives. The Starks, who were fighting a war they should not, and the Targaryen's. Quite the bunch, eh?

The King and Clegane has left a while ago. But I knew that I had to leave before they come back. Leave for the Dothraki sea and meet my niece. Daenerys Targaryen.

I heard that she has three dragons. And one egg that lies dormant, refusing to hatch. She sent me a raven, saying that it is perhaps meant for me. Dravolis blood and all. So I am going. And there is no stopping me.

I walked out of my chambers, getting bewildered looks from guards and servants alike. The king stood before me, a look of happiness on his face. But sadly it won't last long.

"My king. I thank you for all you have done to me. Good and bad alike. I thank you for saving me and looking after my siblings. I thank you for helping me through this. And I truly regret for not being able to offer you more. I am half dragon and half wolf. A Dravolis. A warrior. And I cannot stay in a lions den. I have to leave, and leave I shall. But do not fret, my king. I will be back." I kissed Joffrey on his lips. So soft and gently.

But I used one of my many abilities and disappeared from the room. Standing at the docks...

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