chapter four:

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Chapter four:

Emali's P.O.V.

I knew that I was dreaming. But it was not a pleasant one, more like a nightmare.

I was standing in our village back home. On the day that Robert Baratheon ordered to burn us to the ground. The whole of Woodline would be redused to ashes in a couple of hours.

"Daddy! Look! I bought a new dress! Isn't it beautiful?" I was seven years old again. Running to my father with a new dress in hand. It was sky blue with silver cuffs and sequins on its bodice.

"It is indeed. Just like you, my princess." He scooped me up in his arms and twirled around, making my younger self giggle.

My father was a handsome man. He had dark brown curly hair and the greenest of green eyes.

Mum was very pretty. She had the black hair and liquid golden eyes. I took after her with those two. But I got my father's hight and facial form.

"My Lord! He's here and he demands you to attend." My father's squire, Bane, said with a frantic note in his voice.

Oh. The king has come to Woodline, but he does not even like us. In fact, he despises us. The house of warriors.

"I will be right there. You are dismissed." And with that, my father put me down and looked me in the eye.

"Emali. I am proud of what you have achieved. And I'm proud to call you my daughter. Never forget that I love you and your siblings so much." He kissed me on my head and stood up straight.

"Father, what is going on? Guards burst into mother's room and took her by force." Rido came in and demanded to our father. Rido is the eldest, fifteen years of age and the next in line to be Lord of Woodline.

"Rido. I am sorry, but the king has gone ballistic. Murdering all those who he deems a threat. And he has his sights on us. I must ask of you Rido, take all your siblings and flee. Now!" My father boomed.

Rido took my hand and ran just as three guards broke down the door and captured my father.

I did not know what was happening.

I saw Emma and Ally outside with a five year old Matt and a one year old Denali. Both my eldest sisters were crying.

"Get a move on! We have to go, or else it means our demise too!" Rido yelled and pushed us into the woods beside our house.

Then we ran. But I made the mistake of turning around when I heard an earth shattering scream.

The castle was on fire. Our servants were running out, but got herded back by the king's men. The 'white cloaks', pathetic excuses of guards.

I fell down and began sobbing when we were a safe distance away from our home. Emma and Ally held me in their arms. Matthew and Rido were cuddling with a sleeping Denali.

This is what our lives has gone to.


Joffrey's P.O.V.

I was sitting on the bed beside the sleeping girl. My raven haired beauty.

She was perfect in all aspects to be a queen. She had that air of superiority surrounding her. She is strong willed and won't take nonsense. She is very loyal and kind. A perfect combination.

According to her siblings, she has not eaten in a week, and a week earlier she only ate two breads in three days.

I was beginning to worry about Emali. She has to pull through. She has to survive.

I have never felt this way with anyone before. Not Sansa. Not Margaery. She made me feel all giddy and concerned.

I stood up and left the room, in search of my mother. I have to tell her that I won't accept the betrothal to Margaery.

After a few minutes of searching, I found her in the throne room, sitting on the stair case.

"Mother! I have an urgent matter to discuss with you." I said and sat on my throne. Satisfaction settling over me.

"Yes, my child. What do you need?" My mother asked and stood beside me. Her head held high.

"I need you to tell Maraery that I refuse to marry her. I am going to marry my raven haired beauty. Emali Dravolis." My mother a sported a horrified expression at my words.

I gave her a full blown smirk.

Emali's P.O.V.

After that dream, I was thrown into a darkness. A darkness so deep, that I felt fear. And I never fear the dark.

I was sitting in an open field, horses of all sizes and colours were eating beside me. A wolf laid at my feet.

I was aware that I was not alone. A figure of a man approached me. He was rather handsome, he had the Dravoli looks. He had high defined cheekbones and green eyes with tousled and curly dark brown hair.

My father.

He sat beside me wordlessly and took my hand in his. Just holding it while we watch the horses trotting around.

"You have to be careful child. You are in the lion's den, and they don't take to kindly with other predators. Look what happened to the Starks. The direwolves. I am afraid that they will finish you off. You are half a dragon and half a wolf after all." My father spoke in that deep, comforting voice of his.

"I am not aware of being in the castle, father. What makes you think I am there?" My eyes flitted to his face, before watching the wolf.

"That's not of importance. Go where your dreams lead you and do what they show you. And remember all is not what it se-" just before he finished, my eyes opened.

Lights were flashing in my eyes. Sharp painfull light. I let out a hiss of annoyance. An old man quickly shut the curtains and looked at me in wonder.

"Your awake."

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