chapter eight:

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Chapter eight:

Joffrey's P.O.V.

I have been sending my men to search for her. Every nook and cranny in Kings Landing has been searched, ten times over. Dorne was searched, Pyke was searched, Casterly Rock, Harenhal. Everywhere except the North and the Wall. Or the seas beyond that.

It's has been three weeks already and I have been going out of my bloody mind. Killing people who dare to even look at me. My own mother, looks at me like I'm a monster. My uncle Tyrion is acting as the hand in my grandfathers absence.

He lectures me about my bad choices, day in and day out. It's so frustrating that I have even contemplated on killing the dwarf, but that would be unwise, or so my mother tells me.

My mother denies me and my wishes to marry Emali Dravolis. But I denied Maergery Tyrrell's proposal to marriage myself, since she did not.

But the screams of the people in my throne room broke me out of my reverie. But what I saw shocked me to the very core.

One single lizard was standing on its hind legs. White wings sprouted from its back. Fire came out of its mouth. Only a few ringlets. A dragon.

All of my people were backing away and screaming in terror. My mother was commanding my guards to kill it, but they were to afraid.

But out of the smoke, came my raven haired beauty, clad in a magnificent red gown, trailing behind her. Her shoulders were draped with a pitch black cloak, the Dravolis sigil on its back.

A wolf who spewts fire and has the tail of a dragon. Wings sprouting from out its back. It was truly magnificent.

And then the white dragon flew up to sit on her shoulder, spitting fire at the nearest guard who dares to step close.

"Your Grace, I have returned, like I promised you. I am not a breaker of my word." She then bowed a little before scratching the dragon on its head.

She captured my eyes and approached me, kissing the dragon on its head. The people were still to stunned to speak, but she spoke in their place yet again.

"Why so silent? Just moments ago you had so much to say about traitors and war against Stannis and Robb. What ahave become of your voices?" She shouted, all the men and woman jumped in fright. One man asked her something and she laughed.

"What is that!" I recognised the man as Ser Gregory Der Mont.

Emali's P.O.V.

The man asked me the most foolish question there is to ask. I laughed at that before awnsering.

"Why it is a dragon, of course. His name is Nehemiah. Isn't he beautiful?" I asked the speechless people around me.

"Liar! Dragons are all extinct!" A woman shouted. Alot of other people began to chant that I am a liar. It started to aggitate Nehemiah. A large ball of fire appeared above his head, and he wanted to blast someone away, but I calmed my child with a petting on his head.

"SILENCE!" I heard Joffrey yell. He stood up and approached me. Nehemiah looked at him curiously and not as a threat.

"His eyes are so blue..." Joffrey said as he stood directly infront of me. Nehemiah pecked his nose affectionately and made him laugh.

Before I knew it, I found his lips in mine. It came as a rather big surprise but I responded almost immediately.

Nehemiah had crawled on to Joffrey's shoulder and let out a screech that broke our kiss.

"Emali Dravolis. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?" Joffrey asked with his head on my own.

"Yes, my king." I responded and he kissed me again. The whole room was erupting cheers or howl of outrage. But I could not care less. Joffrey is mine and I am his. Maybe...

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