chapter five:

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Chapter five:

It has been two days since I had awoken. Great Measter Pycelle would not let anyone visit me, for fear of making me relapse.

But all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and sleep forever. My dreams irked me. All of them were either in the Dothraki plains or by the wall.

I think that it means that I have to travel there. When I voiced my opinions to Pysell, be simply shook his head with a knowing smile.

"Your siblings are here to see you, I think you are well enough to have some visitors." He said and left.

After a minute, both of my siblings barged into the room. Denali threw herself on top of me and cried on my shoulder. Matthew curled up in a ball by my side and was sobbing into my side.

"It's okay. I'm okay. We're okay. There's nothing to worry about now. I won't leave you. I'm stronger than that. You know it." I whispered soothing things to them while stroking their hair.

Both of them fell asleep after a while of tears and mindless blabbering and incoherent word.

I fell asleep soon after. Feeling safe and secure with my family, even if we are in the most dangerous city in all of Westeros.

Joffrey P.O.V.

I had heard the news that my raven haired beauty has awoken but no one may visit her. Not even I, the king, was allowed in her chambers. It's quite frustrating.

But today I was allowed to see her, so to my surprise, I found that someone was there before me. Two someone's actually.

Matthew and Denali Dravolis were curled up in their sister's arms. All three of them were asleep.

So I would speak with Emali about the Betrothal later. There's no need to rush. Oh wait, actually there is! I need to marry and produce a heir. And to do that, I need Emali to trust me. And I don't think she does.

So now I'm sitting on my throne and watched Sansa Stark being hit by one of my new knights. I don't even know the chap's name. Much less why I appointed him a knight.

Just before the knight could fully de robe her, the doors to the throne room burst open. Livid golden eyes found mine and I gulped. Emali.

"What in the name of the seven hell's are you doing!" She seethed out. Her voice was so dangerous that even my guards froze to gulp down their fear. Before I could speak, the knight spoke up.

"You have no right to talk to your king like that! Bow down! Or I swear that you would not live to see the morrow." He shouted at her. Oh no. He's done it.

Emali's P.O.V.

A knight had just foolishly challenged me. Me! He has no idea what I am capable of. Poor lad.

I had awoken a few minutes ago and left my sleeping siblings. I wanted to find the king and show him my gratitude of being saved by him, when I heard the comotion in the throne room. Sadly, I knew exactly what was going on.

"Excuse me? Did I hear right? You... Threatening me... Big mistake boy!" I growled out. My eyes were burning with frustration and a creepy grin made its way onto my face.

Joffrey looked a little scared as he watched me approach the knight. When I was in close range, I hit the man in his armored chest.

If an ordinary person did it, their hand would have broke. But when I did it, I made a huge dent in it and he flew a few feet away, landing on his arse.

He looked at me with fear, and my anger ebbed away. I turned back to the matter at hand.

"Sansa? Are you alright. They didn't hurt you too bad, did they?" I asked Sansa as I put my cloak around her shoulders, shielding her from the prying eyes in the room.

"Emali? Oh Emali... I haven't seen you in so long. I'm so sorry. I don't know what I have done to deserve this." She whispered in my ear as I hugged her close to me.

"Don't worry, he will never touch you again. Not as long as I am here. I swear to you. I would kill anyone who even looks at you the wrong way." I said loudly, looking at each guard in turn and then Joffrey.

"Did you just threaten the king!" Joffrey boomed in an angered voice. But he shut up at the look I gave him.

"As a matter a fact. I just did, your Grace." I said sarcastically and walked out of the rooms, Sansa still at my side.

Later that day, the sun was starting to set and I was sitting in the garden. Which Sansa so kindly appointed me, for clearing ones mind.

I was touching a rose beside me and watched as tons of various flowers swaying in the wind.

It's aromas were carried in the humid air, making it travel all around the place.

I felt a contentment wich I only find when I'm surrounded by nature. It's not the woods or anything, by all means, but it is enough.

"Aaagh!" I heard a shrill scream from my chambers. Denali!

I ran as fast as my two feet could carry me and burst through my door. Scarlet was all that greeted me, and the metallic smell of blood.

There was Matthew. My eleven year old brother, above the bed with a rope around his neck. His eyes were terrified, but it was vacant.

Denali laid at the foot of the bed, well, her head did. Her body was at the other side of the room. Her blood was all over the walls.

At that moment, the hard reality of it hit me like a ton of bricks, and I let out the most agonising scream that I could muster.

Their dead. Now I'm the last Dravolis...

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