chapter nine:

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Chapter nine:

Nehemiah has grown in this past month. He is as large as a wolf. He likes to scare the people in the castle.

Several attempts on his life were made, but instead, they lost theirs. Nehemiah is a very smart dragon. Very loyal too. Like me.

And my wedding day is fast approaching. Just a week from now I would be a married woman and a Queen.

I'm not really looking forward to it, I mean, I'm marrying the cruellest man in all of Westeros.

But he assured me that he has changed. He has not bothered Sansa once and he is ruling fairly over his people. No more killing for fun.

But still, I am rather sceptical about this. I mean, how do I feel about Joffrey? I certainly did not love him, yet. Though I have an attraction to him, cause he's rather handsome.

But its not love, that much I know. But perhaps we could learn to love each other, like Catelyn Stark and Eddard Stark did.

My handmaiden, Velora, was busy to dress me up in a very beautiful dress. It was gold with black lace details on the bodice. Very Southern style.

But my hair was in a normal braid. I liked to have my hair, plain and simple. But Velora had convinced me to put a golden rose in my hair. They bloom only once a year, lucky me.

"My Lady. Are you excited for the wedding?" Velora asked me as she made my bed.

"I'm not sure. Yes I want the wedding to happen, but I'm not sure about how I feel about the King..." I trailed off at the look she gave me. One of knowing.

"He loves you. That much is clear. But you love him too. Your just to scared to admit it." At that I scoffed.

"And why would I be scared?" I asked sassily and sat down in a chair.

"Because you have never loved a man like that before." Her words struck hard and true. I knew she was right. But can I accept it?

I gave out a confused sigh and put my head in my hands. Tears of frustration was stinging my eyes but I blinked them away.

"I am sorry, my Lady, if I had upset you. I did not mean to." Velora came to my side and hugged me, even though handmaidens should not show any affection towards a Lady and visa versa. But she and I had become close, like best friends. We told eachothers everything and helped eachothers alot.

"It's fine Velora. You spoke the truth. It's just hard to accept it. I have had so much stress on me, that I could hardly keep my head above water. This wedding and training to be the Queen and ruling all of Westeros by the side of Joffrey, and half of the realm wants his head on a spike. And my red flower has bloomed." I had stood up and begin to pace and Velora watched me intently. Her wise grey eyes watched me and her red hair was swaying in the wind, she was a year older than me.

"I will try and help you wherever I can. But I don't promise that it would do much." She stood up and walked towards the door and I stopped my pacing.

"In going to get you some food and drink. You hardly eat anymore. You need your strength my Lady." She left and I fell on my bed.

"Ah! Get yourself together." I whispered to myself harshly, but a knock at my door broke up my scolding. I knew that it was not Velora and Nehemiah was asleep on my windowsill.

"Come in!" I yelled and sat upright. Joffrey came in and greeted me with a smile. It lit up his blue eyes.

"Good morning, my King." I said and pecked him on his cheek when he sat beside me.

"Morning, my Queen." He captured my chin with his right hand and kissed me on my lips.

I broke free with a laugh and shook my head. This boy is impossible.

"Not yet, I'm not. So, what brings you here Joff?" I asked and he took my hand in his. He pulled me closer so that my body was against his and my head on his shoulder.

"Not yet, but soon. As to why I'm here, I have some news. My mother wants the wedding to happen sooner. She said tomorrow. I just want you to tell me how you feel about that." His voice reverberated through his chest and it was a funny feeling when your ear was pressed there.

"I'm okay with it, if you are?" I asked him. My heart was beating like crazy. Like flurry of bats were trying to escape my chest.

"Of course I am. The sooner, the better." He kissed me again, this time with more passion. His tongue danced with mine and his hands started to roam, but a growl broke us up.

Nehemiah stood infront of us. His eyes were narrowed to slits and his nostrils were flaring. Small tendrils of smoke was escaping his mouth.

"Shhh Nehemiah! What is wrong with you?" I cooed at him as I scratched his chin. That immobilised him and he laid down, fast asleep.

"And that?" Joffrey asked with raised brows.

"That is just an overprotective dragon." I said and resumed to kiss my King and my almost husband.


The day went by, quite uneventfully might I add.

Joffrey left as Velora brought in my food and some wine to relieve my stress. After that, was meeting with the Queen.

She taught me another few lessons of being a ruler and then how to properly walk down the isle. Next was the talk of the bedding ceremony.

After that, was dress fitting. My dress was snow white with red lace in the cuffs and bodice. It was stunning.

Next was the weapons training with the hound, and then was Velorah who teaches me old Valyrian.

After that, I was exausted. Velora helped me into a night gown and into my bed. Not a moment later, I slipped into a peaceful slumber.


I was walking through the castle halls, on my way to the throne room., when I heard it.

A dull thud. Like a slice of meat being banged against the wall. There! There it was again!

I followed the sound and it led to a servant closet. I opened it quickly and saw a horrifying thing.

It was like a shadow. It was a shadow, but in the form of a man. One of its hands was in the form of a blade. A sharp looking one.

"You will die!" It screeched out, and the shadow knife pierced my chest, straight into my heart.

Dream end...

I jolted upright and sat there, panting. Sweat was streaming off of me. The moon was reflecting on my bedsheets and illuminated the red silk.

I shook my head and stood up, padding over to the door with bare feet. I opened my door as softly as I can, not wanting to wake engine. Especially not Joffrey, since his chambers are across from mine.

Just as I closed my door, I heard the King's door open. Light flooded through and hit me in the face, making me flinch.

Joffrey stood in the doorway, with a look of surprise on his face. And then worry.

"Emali? Are you alright? What are you doing up?" I just stood there groggily.

"I'm sorry, your Grace. I just wanted to get some milk. I had a nightmare." I said reluctantly, staring at my feet.

"Its alright. All's well. You can sleep with me, if you'd like?" He offered me his arm and I gladly took it, nearly collapsing in his arms.

I was only half awake as he led me to his bed and laid me down, draping his arm over my stomach.

"Goodnight, my Queen." He said and kissed my cheek. I replied softly.

"Goodnight, my King."

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