chapter two:

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Chapter two:

The sound of clapping broke me out of my red haze. But red still lined my vision. Horror struck me as I realized it was blood. The guard was lying at my feet. Blood pooling from under him. Dead.

King Joffrey was clapping his hands and an evil smirk adorned his handsome face. It's a shame that his looks were waisted because of his cruelty.

"My, my. What an interesting turn of events. Who knew that a girl could take out six full grown men. And on her own. That's quite impressive." He had stood up and was approaching me cautiously.

"Nobody messes with my family, your Grace." I said. My expression gave nothing away. I could see that his irritation spiked.

"You are very loyal. Very reliable. No?" He was mocking me. I knew it. So I won't give in to that.

"Family is all that I have, your Grace. I think you know of what I speak." I said and eyed Cersei. The Queen Regent.

"Oh, but its not just family I have. I have riches beyond belief. People who worship me. A throne. I rule the kingdom." He threw his hands in the air and made a circle around me. My siblings were huddled together on the floor.

I felt a pang in my chest as I saw that the hunger still painstakingly showed on their bodies. It was to much to bear. They are so you young, but yet so mature. They didn't have a childhood. Probably never will.

"So. Back to the matter at hand. Why did a lady like you, steal from a man like that?" He lifted my chin up so that I could look in his eyes.

"My sister is weak with hunger. I had to do something about that. I will not let another of my family die without a cause. I have been looking after them for four years. I ain't gonna give up now. Not ever." To point out that I'm serious, I didn't ad 'your Grace' to the sentence. But he didn't seem to notice.

"Ah. Loyalty, bravery and beauty. A formidable combination. My lady." He was still circling me." What is your age?"

Cersei was looking at me. She seemed interested in what I had to say. Or maybe it is her son's behaviour towards me.

"Thirteen years, your Grace. My sister is seven and my brother is eleven." I bowed my head a little. Being intimidated by his pacing.

"You look older than you are. Very intriguing. Which house are you from? Where's your parents?" He stopped paying and stood in front of me, trying to reach out and touch my face.

I pulled back before he could, and went to my siblings. I helped them up and they hugged my side. Denali was sobbing quietly while Matt was glaring at his feet.

"Your Grace. Our parents had died a long time ago. My eldest brother, Rido, took care of us for a while. Then he got killed. On your father's orders. My eldest sister then took over, Ally. She died of poisoning. Your mother's orders." Now I glared at Cersei. "Then was my other sister, Emma, but she died with a sword on her chest. On your orders. She tried to get to Sansa Stark right after you chopped off Eddard Stark's head. It was rather disgusting." I could see the kings eyes filled with regret, but anger at being spoken in that way to.

"You did not answer my first question. What house are you from?" He took a step closer to us with each word he spoke. My sister was trembling in fear. Matt stood tensed.

"What gives you the idea that we are from a noble family? We may be peasants, hence the clothing and starved looks." I looked him in the eye as I said that.

"Don't talk to your king like that!" Cersei boomed in outrage. She stood up from her seat and made her way towards me.

"My king? He is no king of mine. I do not serve anyone. Last time I did that, my parents got killed. Our whole house was burned to the ground." I spat at her, fury burning in my eyes. She took a step back, afraid. Good, she saw what I did to the guard.

"What are you talking about? I do not even know you." Her voice was firm, but it held a knowing tone. She knew who I was and where I came from. She was there when Robert Baratheon sentenced my parents to death.

"Mother. What is she talking about!" He questioned his mother. Also sensing that she's telling lies.

"Oh, your Grace. You would not know from which house I come. Your father made sure that we don't include those on the scrolls. Apparently we had a bad reputation that needed to be banished. Just because my father was very observant. He knew war was coming, so he trained his kids. He trained us, how to kill. Hence the good fighting skills." I took a deep breath as Joffrey stood there flabbergasted.

"Your from house Dravolis. The house of warriors." He said and took a tentative step forward.

"Indeed, your Grace. And your father felt threatened. Burned our whole village down in fear of an uprising for killing their Lords." My bloodied hands were on my face. Smearing the liquid on my cheeks.

"I am truly sor-" the king's words were interrupted when a man barged into the room. Scroll in hand.

"Your Grace. There's an urgent message from your grandfather Tywin." The man came to stand a few feet from the king. Not acknowledging the bodies around him or the family of three.

"I will not tolerate you barging into my throne room! Guards! Get this scum out of here and teach him a lesson!" Two guards came to take the man away, but he shouted fervently for the king to listen.

"Your Grace! I need to tell you! Or else this kingdom will fall." The man was pushed on his knees when he said that. The guards held his arms when Joffrey wove his hand.

"Let me see that." He grabbed the scroll and read it out loud. "Your Grace. I'm terribly sorry for this coming in letter and not from myself in person. But this is urgent. Robb's army has multiplied in the past week. He's rounding up more and more men. His woman is with child, so he has an heir. But that's not the worst of it. Stannis Baratheon is matching on kings landing. He wants the blood of all Lannister on his sword. I hear that he has a red priestess on his side. What are we to do? Dammit..." He was seriously pissed off now.

"Cut out his tongue and throw him out! No one barges in and disrespects the king!" Joffrey seemed to all but forgotten about the three of us. He was too busy to look at the man who's tongue is being cut out.

"When I tap you on your shoulder two times, you run for the doors. Your sister will follow you. Protect her. I will be right behind you." I whispered in Matthews ear. He nodded in understanding. Denali heard and nodded too.

I saw the opportunity when Joffrey turned his back. I tapped the both on the shoulder two times and they took off running without hesitation. I was right on their heels.

"Guards! Get them! Do not let them escape!" Joffrey yelled as we exited the doors.

The guards that were about to grab us, I made them immobile. Anyone can do that if you know where their pressure points lie.

I could still hear Joffrey shouting orders as we exited the palace gates and ran into the woods.

When I was sure that we were not tracked to this point, I let us rest. Matthew and Denali fell down in exhaustion.

"Are you two alright? No serious injuries?" I asked and checked them both for signs of physical wounds.

"We're fine. Just let us rest." Matthew butted in and pushed my hands away. Denali crept into my arms and gave out a sigh of satisfaction.

"Thank you Emali. Thank you for saving us." She said and gave me a peck on my cheek. Before long, she and Matt both were fast asleep.

I finally noticed that it was dark out, and a chill settled over the land. So I scooted to Matt and laid Denali between us.

Without the stress of the day looming on my shoulders, my eyes closed without much of an effort.

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