chapter ten:

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Chapter ten:

I was rudely awoken when hands were shaking me and frantic voices were urging me to stand up.

I snapped awake when I remembered which day it was. And in who's bed I was.

It's my wedding day! Oh goodness.

Nine or ten different handmaidens were ushering me out of the room and others were waking up the King.

I saw a whole bunch of servants, bustling by with a lot of platters and decorations at hand.

I was led into my chamber and sat down roughly.

One girl was pulling out a dress from a chest, but I could not see properly. Another was running me a bath. Another was pulling at my hair and brushing it through.

All the while they were talking excitedly amongst each other.

Velora was putting all my beauty products together and a few hair accessories. She was humming a tune I believe, 'rains of castamere.' What an odd song.

But I hummed along just to calm my nerves.

A girl stood me up and stripped me off my clothing and pushed me into the rub.

Three other ladies came bustling in. One was washing my hair, another was scrubbing my body, and another was scrubbing my nails.

Velora came in and dried me with a towel. She slipped me in some undergarments and pushed me into a chair infront of my vanity table.

She buddies herself with my hair and another girl with my makeup.

As they were finished, Velora shimmied me into a deep red corset and laced me up tightly.

A girl came and the a dress over my head. Tons of fabrics were weighting me down.

Finally they excited and left me alone, but I spoke to soon.

Cersei strutted into the room and smiled at me warmly, a true smile... Wow.

"Oh, my little dove. You look absolutely stunning. Have you seen yourself." She stood behind me and checked me over. I nodded a 'no'.

She turned me around so that I'm looking in the mirror. And I gasped.

There stood a woman, so magnificently beautiful. She had cherry red lips with dark lashes and highly defined cheekbones.

A beautiful dress adorned her curvy body. The bodice was white, while the cuffs were a dark red. The skirt was white with fine red Lacey details running all around.

Pretty white slippers were adorning her feet and her hair. Her hair was plain and simple. Running down her back in soft, black curls.

That woman is me.

"Oh, wow." Was all I managed to say. Cersei laughed at me and I gave her a small, nervous smile.

"It will be fine, my little dove. I must say, I did not like you at the beginning. But I have grown quite fond of you. And I hope that you treat Joffrey well." She slipped a red flower in my hair and walked out.

"Wow..." Was all I managed to say, yet again.


It was finally time. Velora escorted me towards a carriage and helped me inside. Cersei sat beside me and Jaime did too.

He was to take be down the isle, since I have no father or brothers, and since the father of the realm is who I am to marry.

The ride was shorter that I thought, because in no time, I saw the crowds cheering and screaming my name.

Nehemiah sat on the carriage roof. Spitting rings of fire in the air. He's fond of the attention.

I was helped out of the carriage by Jaime just as some music started to play. I hooked my arm in his and gave a deep breath.

"You ready?" Jaime asked me with a concerned smile. I flashed him one back, but filled with nerves.

"As I will ever be." I replied as we started to walk. I saw Joffrey standing there, dashing as ever. He had a gentle smile on his face. Not his signature smirk.

Jaime gave me away and I stood infront of him, the man spoke up.

"You may now cloak her under your protection." Joffrey then put the Lannister cloak on my shoulders and I beamed up at him for he was a head taller than I.

We spoke our vows in sync, not slipping up in anyway, just staring eachothers in the eyes.

"You may now seal this marriage with a kiss." I payed no heed to Nehemiah's frantic screeches, for I thought he was just being over protective.

His lips reached mine and we kissed passionately, but the crowd did not cheer, instead they gasped and cried out.

A painful sting blossomed in my back. Wet stickiness trailed down my dress and made me pull away.

I looked down at my chest and frowned, for the tip of an arrow was protruding from my ribs.

I stared up at Joffrey with panic and saw blood on his lips. My blood.

I did not notice that I was laying on the ground, or that arms embraced me. I was numb all over.

"Please! You cannot die, not now! Not ever! Please, please stay awake! Keep your eyes open Emali!" Joffrey pleaded with me. His face hovering over mine, eyes filled with tears and pain.

"It's okay my love..." I whispered and reached to touch his face with my bloodied hands. He sank into my touch and let loose his tears.

He pulled away and kissed me more deeply than ever before. His tears falling on my cheeks and mingling with my own.

"I want to... Ask two things, for I'm not going to make it.." I croaked out at him. Crowds were forming around us but I only noticed the man I loved.

"Yes? Anything!" He cried out. His hands on my face and whiling away my tears and blood.

"You should never forget me. Never forget the Dravolis, house of warriors." He nodded at my request and urged me to go on. I was starting to drift away. "And avenge me, my love..." I trailed of, as blackness finally embraced me.

Joffrey' P.O.V.

My Raven haired beauty laid in my arms, her life essence leaking out of her chest and mouth.

"And avenge me, my love..." That was her last request before she went limp. He head lolling to the side and her eyes staring off into the world's beyond.

"NOOOOOOOO!" I threw my head up and shouted into the air. Tears streaming down my face. I didn't care if the people around me thought I was weak, but I just lost the love of my life. Nothing else will ever matter.

"Joffrey! You have to leave her!" My mother shouted at me and attempted to drag me away, but Nehemiah growled at her and stepped between us.

It has been a few months since that day. That day that broke me and unleashed my true madness.

I was far worse than before. Killing more people for even more insignificant things. And Nehemiah destroyed a lot of cities in his grief.

We made quite a pair. A mad king and vengeful dragon, unleashing chaos on all of Westeros.

But I knew my reign will end soon. I want it to end. I want to die and be with my Raven haired beauty once again.

And so it will be...

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