Five: Welcome to the Inn Between

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Chapter Five

Finn's POV

Two hours was really long enough for me to know Lucy. She used to be bisexual. She was 19 when she died. She hates books. She loves singing. She's somehow the total opposite of Sydney.

The elevator stops and a door opens. We step outside and I take a look around.

Back at the elevator, Lucy told me we were bound to London but this place looks nothing like London to me.

It looked like we were in the midfle of a foredt. There was huge two-story building. There was a playground at the side and plants and trees everywhere. As an entrance, an arch with the letters "The Inn Between" was placed. With bushes at its sides.

People...or ghosts, I couldn't tell, are all over the place. But they look alive, like they weren't dead. And they look happy. Like really happy.

"Welcome to the Inn Between, Finnegan."Lucy says, turning to me. "This is where you'll stay for the mean time. Follow me, I'll show you around."

We walk to the building, passing by kids who are playing and couples dillydallying outside. We get inside and I hold my breath. The place looks absolutely lovely. A chandelier on the marble ceiling, smooth mahogany furniture decorated the tile floor. At the midst of it, there was a marble counter and sat there was an old man who seems to be reading what looked like a Gardening Magazine."

"Hello Charlie," Lucy greets him. The old man looks up and smiles at Lucy then he turns to me, his smile slightly shrinking.

"Finn, this is Charlie, the inn keeper," Lucy introduces us. "This is Finnegan. But he likes to be called Finn. He's a new one. Car accident yesterday."

"I can see that," Charlie says, looking at me, his face annoyed. "You were all over the papers yesterday."

His eyes bore into me and I back away. What was this man's deal? Why is he so mad at me? I've only met him for like two minutes and he's already looking at me like I finished all his tea and crumpets or something.

"Well, that's actually no surprise, you see, Finn here is like a celeb-," Lucy tries to explain but was interrupted by Mr. Old Sassypants.

"I am well informed about Mr. Finnegan here, Lucy," he tells her. "In fact, I happen to watch his an his brother's videos and I have never seen anything so stupid in my whole entire life, add that to my afterlife."

Oh, so that's why.

"Well, it's funny. That's actually somehow the point of it all," I tell him which only causes him to glare at me.

Lucy clears her throat, trying to lessen the awkward tension that was growing, "So...Charlie, rooms?"

"Right, I'm afraid everyone's got a room mate now so..."

"What about the suites?," Lucy asks him. Suites?

Charlie looks at her like she's insane, "But those rooms are so hard to manage. Plus, you'll need a consideration from Him for that."

I have no idea what they're talking about but I do know one thing. That I'm going to be homeless.

Great. Just great.

Lucy reaches for something inside her pocket. She takes out a card and gives it to Charlie. "Here, He gave it to me on my birthday. I was saving it for emergency but well, I guess this is an emergency."

I eye the card. One look at it and I know for sure it's hella important.

Charlie looks at the card and sighs, "Fine," he says as he hands me a key.

Sydney's POV

I try my best to not breakdown and cry. But I wasn't strong enough. My cousin, Cat , kept trying to get me out of my room to eat or shop or whatever.

Finn was the only friend I had. I'm not assuming or anything but I actually thought we had a chance-to be with each other.

I missed him then. I miss him now. And I will forever miss him.

He's dead...I have to accept that he's dead.

Flashes of the coffee shop where I first met him come to my mind. The way he smiles, he laughs, everything. Gone. I wouldn't see those dazzling eyes again.

"He died on a carcrash on the way home". I remember Jack telling me everything that happened. Guilt was eating me slowly. I feel like the reason why Finn died was because of me...That text message I sent him. I should have not texted him. I was in full knowledge that he was driving.

Stupid Sydney.

The funeral's in 5 days and I didn't know if I wanted to come or not. I don't even know if Jack wants me there. From the sound of his voice, I felt like he was blaming me too.

I couldn't blame him. It was true.

There was a knock on the door. I sigh. "Cat. Please just leave me alone."

"Can you tell me what's going on?,"she pleads. "Please Sydney."

"Believe me I want to,"I think. "But I just don't have enough strength to tell you right now".

I remain silent. I hear Cat sighing.

"You have to tell me eventually, you know?"

I sigh and get up from my bed. I know Kate, she never gives up. I open the door for her and explain everything.

Finn's POV

So the afterlife really is heavenly.

When I got to my room, the first words that came out of my mouth was holy cow.

It was magnificent. It had a king size bed and a wonderful view of the city. It even has its own kitchen and living room. And a marvelous stock of food.

I lay down on my bed, a smile spreading in my face, making me forget of all the things that happened yesterday. I close my eyes, deciding to nap but Lucy had other plans.

She shakes my leg, and pulls it, "Finn, wake up! We have a mission to do."

"Can I just sleep first? Dying is very tiring,"I complain.

She sighs,"Finn. Sydney needs you. NOW."

Just the mention of Sydney's name gets me to my feet. I pull Lucy and get out of the room,"Adventure. Here we go!"

I have no idea what got to me. I don't even know why I said that. I run to the front door and to the arch, dragging Lucy with me. Eventually, I stop.

" do we get there?,"I mumbled. I feel so...weak and embarassed and vulnerable.

Lucy takes a deep breath then laughs,"'s just..."

I roll my eyes," Yeah, yeah, yeah, now tell me what? Are we going to call a cab or something?"

Lucy snaps her fingers and we weren't in the middle of nowhere anymore. We are in London. At a building where I'm guessing, Sydney is staying.

We go inside. Lucy guides me to the door and I ring the doorbell to ger apartment.

"What did you just do?,"Lucy asks me, her eyes panicked.

"Rang the door bell. What-

The door opens. Sydney.

She looks around. She furrows her eyebrows. "Cat, someone's playing a trick on us,"she says as she closes the door.

"SYDNEY! WAIT!," I shout but she didn't seem to hear me.

I turn to Lucy and wait for her explanation. She sighs, "Finn, humans can't see ghosts, nor can they hear them."


Hope you liked this chapter! Thanks for the support guys! It totally motivates me to keep writing ;)







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