Nine: Tea, Movies & Falling In Love

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I dunno why but this chapter describes the song Begin Again by Taylor Swift. So yeah, I suggest you listen to the song while reading this. :)

Chapter Nine

Finn's POV

"Jack likes Sydney," I state the obvious to Lucy, as I watched Sydney and Jack walk together to the small tea shop.

Jack opens the door for Sydney then follows after her. Me and Lucy follow suite.

"How can you tell?," Lucy asks me.

"I know my brother," I tell her. "I mean I shared a womb with him. I know him like the palm of my hand."

"So that twin telepathy thingy is true!," Lucy exclaims. "Or at least for you two."

I smirk, thinking of the video me and Jack made about "twin telepathy".

"Actually, we did kind of um...made a video about it," I tell Lucy. "Along with Dan, more known by others by the name of danisnotonfire."

She nods her head,"So how'd that go? Did you find out you two were telepathic or something?"

"Sort of...," I trailed off.

I swing the door open to the tea shop, inhaling the lovely scent. Involuntarily, I search for Sydney and Jack. I want to know what's happening between them.

I find them at a hidden corner near the bookshelf that contained several classical books in them. Jack says something to Sydney that causes her to laugh. My fist clench and unclench.

"Woah there, Finnegan. Jealousy control much ,"Lucy says jokingly.

"I can't help it," I think. I've fallen for her and there was nothing to do to stop it.

"Can we just get closer? ,"I asked Lucy. "I just want to hear what they're talking about."

"Whatever you say, Finnegan."

We walk over to the table as I watch them talk. Sydney's laugh reach my ears and it makes me want to laugh, too. Her laugh was contagious.

This is even harder than I thought.

"God, I miss him," Jack says, almost to himself, as he looks out the window. "I don't even know if I'll survive a year without him. He was like my rock, you know? He's the reason why I am who I am right now. Without him, I'd probably be those dudes who never actually tries to do something incredible with their lives."

Really Jack? Like the funeral speech wasn't enough?

I want to tell him that I'm still here. Not alive but still here.

Sydney reaches out her hand to Jack's slightly brushing her thumb over his knuckles. Jack blushes while me? An unavoidable feeling settles in my chest.

Sydney unexpectedly laughs lightly. Me, Lucy and Jack furrowed our eyebrows, looking at her in confusion.

"Why are you laughing? Was I too cheesy?," Jack asks Sydney.

"No no no. It's just- I find it funny that I'd know exactly what you're feeling right now when I just got to know Finn for like 3 hours," Sydney explains. "I'm sorry. I know I'm weird. I'm sorry."

Jack smirks," You really are something else, huh?"

"What exactly do you mean?," Sydney asks.

This is it. This is when Jack finally confesses to Sydney that he thinks he's falling for her. One thing you should know about Jack, he's the opposite of me. He's not afraid to show his feelings. He's straight-forward.

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