Fourteen: Concepts of Possibilities

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Chapter Fourteen

Finn's POV

I stared blankly ahead, Lucy's word blurred. I wasn't listening. I wanted to but all I could think about was what happened.

I had been thinking about it all day. It was like some paper bag was thrown over my head and now I can't get it off. I try and try to get it off my head but it keeps finding its way back, making me stare at dark blank spaces that just might make me lose my mind.


I snap, my head spinning around immediately with the sound of my name. I meet Lucy's green eyes. She studies me, looking at my face before sighing.

"Something's up," she reckons, placing her chin on her hand. She looks at me hard and firm. "And you have no further plans on telling me."

I don't know if she found out because I was showing it off and being obvious that there is, indeed, something bothering me or she knew all along.

I hoped it wasn't the latter. The situation was far too cheesy and embarassing for me. Ironic from a guy who fell in love with a girl just by the span of two hours and a half.

I don't deny it, you can never pass through Lucy. Never. She'll probably bother me for the next three days if I don't tell her any sooner.

"You'll go mad if I tell you," I say, looking at my shoes, raising my feet. "Like seriously mental. That I probably have to send you into some mental institute for ghosts. Which reminds, do they, I mean, have mental institutes for us? And do we have school, too?"

Not that I was simply trying to get away with the whole Sydney-might-see-me thing. I was really curious about the whole system, the whole concept of this ghost thing.

Lucy rolls her eyes and places her hand on my chin, tilting it so I can face her, "Yes, there is. So feel free to send me to a mental institute, I'll be thankful for it. Now, just tell me what happened."

"Are you sure?"

She sighs, a faint smile playing on her lips, "Yes."

"Absolutely, positively, one hundred percent sure?," I ask, rubbing my hands together. I was getting nervous.

The smile slowly fades, she looks annoyed, "Yes, Finnegan."

"Are you ready?"

"Yes!," her voice raises. "Now just go on with it already!"

I take a deep breath. "Okay," I mutter. I clasp my hands together and look at her, "I think Sydney might possibly, now this is the weird part, get ready- I think Sydney can see me."

"What?," she asked, surprise and curiosity mixed in her expression. "How? How can you tell?"

I look at her, my eyes trying to send the message, instead of my mouth. It takes a minute or two until she finally gets the message, her eyes widening by the sudden realization.

She places a hand on her forehead and groans, "God, Finn, I mean, I shouldn't be surprised but I actually thought you'd be smarter than that." She covers her eyes with her hand and sighs, "I'd actually appreciate if you sign me up for a mental institute right now."

I laugh and she uncovers her eyes. I almost stop laughing. I'm not prepared for how she was going to react. I do not expect her playful eyes and faint smile, of course. She laughs lightly and slaps me.

"I don't even know why I find this funny," she mutters.

I chuckle a bit, "Well, if you look at it from another person's perspective, a more sensible one that is, it's a pretty hilarious situation. It can even be one of those ridiculous funny sitcoms."

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