Thirteen: High Hopes

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suggestion: listen to shout about it by the vamps

Chapter Thirteen

Jack's POV

"I still can't believe I got the Chai Latte though," Sydney says as she stares at the book she bought. She basically flabbergasted when she found out that the equivalent of the book she bought was a Chai Latte, which happens to be her favorite drink.

"Beginner's luck?," I tease and she just chuckles at me. She raises her wrist, looking at her watch.

"I'm sorry Jack but..." She looks at me. "I really have to go home."

I try to hide my disappointment. I was planning to take her out to this Japanese restaurant, after she told me her epic love for sushi.

"Oh..." I mask my sadness with a smile. "S'alright. I'll take you home," I tell her. She smiles.

We walk our way back to the car, talking about the events of the day. Soon, we were all buckled up, weaving through the streets of London, a comfortable silence between us, replacing the awkward tension we had a while ago.

"We need music," Sydney mumbles, turning on the radio.

Foy Vance's Be The Song blares from the speakers and I smile. Sydney starts humming the song, a peaceful look on her face.

"Excellent choice," I tell her and her face breaks out in a grin.

"You know," Sydney starts. "I would like to meet this lizard I have the same name with."

I laugh, her suddenly random pop up of topics amusing me. "Unfortunately." I give her a sad smile. "I gave Sydney away for Uni."

An unavoidable frown finds its way to her face, "That's sad."

"Oh it was." I sigh, "But sometimes you have to give up the things you want for the things you really need."

"But what if you soon realize that what you wanted was also what you really needed?," Sydney asks.

"Touché," I say, grinning. I like how she also has deep thoughts. It's a wonderful and amazing surprise.

Another silence settles upon us and an absolutely amazing feeling bubbles inside of me. It's one of those feelings you rarely come across, but once you do, you have this assurance that life isn't so bad. That sometimes, when something bad happens, we tend to forget the important little things that still make life beautiful.

And Sydney is one of those important little things.


"I would like to to this again," Sydney says as we climb the steps to her apartment complex.

"Me too," I tell her, grinning. "This is the first time I've ever really had fun since the funeral."

Sydney gives me a small smile, "I'm glad we're slowly recovering."

"Yeah." And we stay like that for minutes. Smiling at each other, because of an obstacle that we just overcame.

Sydney breaks off the moment. Clearing her throat, she reaches for the doorknob and gives me one last glance.

"Thank you, Jack." She smiles once more before entering the complex, shutting the door and leaving me grinning like an idiot as I replay the last events in my head.

I'mtotally whipped.

I am so completely, utterly and totally whipped.

"Ah, you've fallen in love with her," Finn say as he appears beside me. I jump before tossing daggers with my eyes at him.

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