Six: Ghost Town

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Chapter Six

Lucy's POV

"W-wait, so you're telling me that I have to continue this mission?," Finn asks me as we walk to a nearby coffee shop. "Despite the fact that I'm a ghost and she can't see me," Finn continues.

I sigh and open the door to the coffee shop, letting a confusing Finn inside, " Yes, Finnegan. That's how it's gonna be."

"Wait...why are we at a coffee shop again? You do know we can't order, right?."

I sigh again. If I have a penny for everytime I heard that, I could've been a billionaire by now, " This coffee shop is for ghosts".

"What do you mean?"

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. I have to understand. "Haven't you noticed that we're in an isolated part of London? Gosh, you need to be more observant, Finnegan."

Finn ignores my words and takes a look around,"Well, it does look like a ghost town to me."

I never pictured the town as a "ghost town". I mean, clearly, it's a place for ghosts but not that eerie, creepy kind of a town. I took a look around the familiar town. Abandoned buildings, fading paint and creeking doors. I guess it really is a ghost town.

"What can I get for the beautiful Lucy?," A high-pitched voice chirps.

I smile and turn to the counter,"Good afternoon Martha!".

The middle- aged woman smiles at me then turns to Finn," A new one, eh? May possibly be your soulmate," she winks at me.

Why, Martha, why?

I immediately blush. I glance at Finn, he's blushing and pursing his lips. Talk about awkward.

I laugh but I think it came out exaggerated. "Very funny, Martha but...NO."

Martha just smiles at me, " So what can I get for you too?"

"The usual," I reply.

"Caramel Macchiato. Hot. Grande,"Finn tells her.

I turn to him and so does he.

"That's the...Sydney," I mutter. Finn just sighs and changes the subject,"Two coffee shops. Two girls. And one death. All in one day...Wow, I didn't know I could be that productive"

I smile. Finn was still trying to be strong. "I have a little treat for you big guy."

Finn looks at me and arches his eyebrows.

Finn's POV

"What's the surprise?! I hate surprises," I tell Lucy.

She just smiled mischievously," You'll see. Just wait."

Lucy pulls my arm and leads me to a building. But a modern one, that is. She stops then turns to me," Ready?".

I reluctantly nod my head, "Yeah s-sure".

She grins before taking my arm again and running to a brick wall.

"What do you think you're doing?,"I ask her.

She just keeps on running. I close my eyes as we hit the wall...but we didn't.

I open my eyes again and saw a living room with a family sitting on a couch. A middle-aged man, which I assume is the dad with salt and pepper hair is hiding his phone, typing away. A blonde haired woman is sitting beside him, who I'm guessing is the mother. Sitting on the floor is a boy with messy black hair,who looked about my age. Beside him was a petite young girl with red hair.

Hmmm... how come the girl had red hair when her mom and dad are two different colors from hers?

"Wendy," the mom called. The red head turned to her mother,"Yeah mom?".

"Do you mind getting coffee for me and your dad?,"the mom asked.

The red head, Wendy, sighs. She stands up and walks to the kitchen. I look over to Lucy. She waves her hand signalling to follow the girl with strawberry blonde hair.

We walk over to the kitchen. The girl was pouring coffee in a mug. She transfers to the other one. And somehow I think she senses that me and Lucy are here. That two ghost are currently beside her, watching her.

"Why are we here?,"I ask Lucy.

"Shhhhh". She put a finger on her lips then looks me in the eye. She whispers,"You do notice that Wendy is adopted right?".

I bite my lip and nod,"Uhhhh...yeah".

Wendy puts the two mugs on the tray. Before she gets out of the kitchen she says five words that freaks the hell out of me,"Hello Lucy Campbell and Finn Harries".

My jaw drops,"Y-you can-"

But she was already gone. I turn to Lucy and find her smirking at me.

"She can see ghosts," Lucy tells me.

"I can see that. She just said hello to us," I say, matter-of-factly.

"So why did you bring me here anyway?," I ask her.

"Well...Wendy's a big fan of yours. She's the reason why I know you," she explains. "And I thought maybe she could help you with your mission".


Short chappie :( Sorry guys. I just had to :( Anyway, I'll really make it up to you guys, I promise.

Thanks for being patient btw. I've been really busy the past few weeks. :)



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