Chapter Five: Ready for Round Two?

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Chapter Five: Ready for Round Two

I laced up my cleats and headed on to the field. I approached the rest of the team and they tackled me to the ground.

God they are heavy.

"Where have you been?" Nathan asked.

"I was so worried" Tyler exclaimed.

"I thought my mom called and told you?" I said to coach.

"She did but I didn't tell the guys" He explained.

I gaped at him and apologized to the boys. I carried my duffle bag over to the bench and lined up with the boys at the goal crease.



Push ups.


Water break.


Speed Ladders.

You name it, we did it. And six reps of each.

Coaches shoes were walking in front of us. He stopped in front of me and watched me for a couple minutes until he continued down the line.

We finished our training.

"Rebecca!" Coach yelled. 

The entire team stopped and watched me walk over to coach.


"You're going to have to more effort into your training and stop missing practices if you want to impress that Duke scout."

"I know coach. I'm training the days I miss and I put 110% effo-"

"Becca!" I looked over to the bottom of the bleachers and saw Nash.

Coach glared at me as Nash came over.

"Becca we are here to pick you up." He said.

"But practice isn't over for another hour."


"Wait what is going on?" Nathan asked. He looked to Nash then me. Nash then me. "Woah, don't tell me you're..."

"Yes we are twins. Her name is Rebecca Grier" Nash said to the confused faces of the team.\

Jaws dropped.

"C'mon Becca let's go." I grabbed my bag and was dragged away by Nash watching my team and coach shoot daggers at me with their eyes.


"You made me leave practice to film a video for you?" I asked fuming.

"Yup" Nash answered.

I couldn't see anything but red.

"You made me all of my friends and coach hate me, almost make me lose my captain position for a stupid video?"

"Ya, I thought we could tell everyone about you" He answered innocently.

He didn't find anything wrong with his way.

"I don't want to be apart of your stupid video."

All of the boys just walked into the room watching our argument.

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