Chapter Eleven: He is Yummy

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Hey guys!!!! Another update!!!! Please comment and vote or else the updates will be shorter :(

Chapter Eleven: He is Yummy

I woke up with Skylynn on my chest and Taylor holding my ankle, on the floor. What th-?

"Hey Becca" I looked up to see Jack smiling at me. I smiled at him then looked nervously at the people holding onto me. Jack saw my worried face and grabbed Sky and put her on the bed. I finally got Taylor to let go of my ankle.

I got up and Jack walked over to me. 

"I know I've been a jerk but can we go get some breakfast?" He asked with puppy dog eyes. I almost melted when he looked at me and then my phone buzzed again. I checked it and my eyes almost fell out of my head. I had thousands of notifications. 

"Guess Nash uploaded that video" I said under my breath. Jack laughed and grabbed my hand and dragged me down the hall.

We made it to the lounge and ordered some waffles. Jack tried to talk to me a lot and sometimes I would respond. Once our waffles were ready the rest of the gang showed up. I ate silently and scrolled through some of the comments on my instagram. Mostly nice comments, some very nasty.

"Don't pay attention to them Bec" Nash said over my shoulder. 

"It's not that, most of the comments are nice" I said looking at him.

You are so pretty

So lucky to have Nash and Hayes as brothers

Are you going on tour with them


I finished my waffle and threw the rest of my clementine in the trash. I sat down and listened to the boys fight over who was going to win in a wrestling match; Matt or Shawn. Shawn for the win.

I showered and put on a long t shirt and some nike shorts and socks. I grabbed my phone and sat on Cam's bed.

"Hey Becca" Johnson said quietly next to me. I waved and smiled at him.

"How's it going?" He asked.

"Great how 'bout you?"

"Awesome" I texted the boys about the team and when our practices were. "Are you coming to rehearsal with us today?" He questioned.

"Yup, I have practice at 7:30 tonight though so I have to leave early," I said frowning.

"That stinks but at least you get to see G and I practice our set" He said looking at me. I smiled saying nothing.

People don't understand how talented I think the two of these boys were. Unbelievable. People say that they don't care about their fans but Jack was telling me about how Johnson spent almost two hours figuring out a way for fans to get to the show that can't afford tickets. They care so much and they put so much time into their music and it sounds amazing.

Johnson and I talked a little more and every once in awhile I would see Jack staring at me or glaring at Johnson. What was his problem? He has Madison and if that isn't enough for him then he should get a grip.


A few hours later Taylor and I headed to the van with Sky in my arms. We were laughing about all of the edits of Bella Hadid and The Weeknd, Abel his name is. Carter spotted some fans across from the parking lot and headed over to greet them. They had their phones out to take pictures and videos with us.

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