Chapter Six: So drunk they'll be pooping on the couch

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Chapter Six: So drunk they'll be pooping on the couch

The next week of school was weird. I got attention that I had never had before and I hated it. People would glare at me and tell me I was lying about my family. The "Mean Queen's" were what everyone called the popular girls. They were coming up to me like we were best friends. I don't think they remember that they poured sloppy joe on me the first day of junior year.

The lacrosse team was still kind of weird about it but they said they will get used to it.

The guys at the house are causing mayhem. Good thing Mom will do almost anything for these boys. They have broken three windows, a lamp, and the light in the refrigerator.

I thought that light was unbreakable.

These boys can make anything possible.


It was passed dinner time and I was outside with my stick playing wall ball on my rebound tramp. It was starting to get dark outside and buggy. Man I hate bugs. I played for about twenty more minutes until I heard footsteps on the back porch. I turned and was faced by all of the boys.

"Get dressed" Hayes said.


"We are headed to a party, and we can't show up with you dressed like a guy" Nash said.

"I can't leave Skylynn here alone"

"Don't you listen? Mom and Johnie took her to see Grams and Gramps in Raleigh"

"Then go without me" I told him getting irritated. I am not a party person as you can probably tell.

"Well I am in charge of you and we all want to go and we can't leave you here alone." Nash said crossing his arms. "So get dressed we leave in twenty" He finished turning and heading back inside.

"I'll help you pick out your outfit" Cam said looking me up and down, "You're gonna need it."

It didn't bother me. I brushed out my hair and french braided it while he picked out my outfit.

"I don't want to look like some skank that is looking for a good time" I yelled back to Cam who was in my closet.

"I'm not sure you looking like a slut is possible. You don't even have a LBD" He hollered back.

"A what?"

"Ugh, little black dress. It's a necessity for all teenage girls" He said coming back out, "well, normal teenagers"

He laid out an outfit on my bed. Distressed light wash jeans and a maroon tank top.

"You understand its fifty degrees outside right?" I asked.

"Yes that's why you will wear this" He said holding out a long grey cardigan. I huffed and pushed him out of my room while I dressed.

I looked in the mirror and sighed. I am officially a dumb tumblr girl. Never thought I would see the day and be alive.

I grabbed my sandals that Mom forced me to wear to church and headed downstairs.

We hopped in the minivan and started to drive.

"Who's the party?" I asked from the back seat.

"Nathan Cruz" Hayes answered. The guy that attended Davidson day with me and played soccer. He made sure everyone knew when he was throwing a party.

"How did you find that out?" Nash doesn't even go to school.

"Twitter" Of course.

I'm a little nervous because everyone is going to recognize them and I will be walking in with them. Im not a party person in general and with all of that attention on me. This will not end well.

We arrived at the party after everyone had already arrived. All eyes were on us as soon as we entered the front door. In seconds people swarmed us and I struggled to get away from the crowd.

As soon as I was away from the madness I headed to the back yard. Very few people were back here. Two were grilling but most of the people were stumbling all over the place. I spotted Evan and Alec by the porch and headed over there.

Evan noticed me but ALec was way too intoxicated to notice.

"He- woah. You wanna head to the bedroom and have some fun?" Alec slurred and blinked one to many times.

"It's Bec you dummy" I told him laughing.

He widened his eyes and began to stutter and apology. I told him it was fine and he headed back inside to find himself another drink.

"You look good" Evan said as Brady headed over. "But why?"

"Nash forced me" I said as he brushed his blonde hair out of his eyes.

"Hey Becca" Brady greeted me, red solo cup in hand.


"Nothing much, I have no idea what this shit is" He said looking into his plastic cup.

"You want me to get you a beer?" Evan asked me.

"Nah, I think I'll go look for the guys. They are probably wrecking havok" I said turning around. As I headed back inside two strong arms wrapped around my waist and someone's head went straight for my neck.

This dude smells like coffee and strawberries. I turned around and was greeted by a familiar face. Gilinsky.

"Hey" He said.


"Not much, wanna drink?" He asked.

"Not much of a drinker. You?"

"Occasionally but I'm designated driver tonight" Ahhh. That made more sense. What 19 year old boy passes up alcohol? "Most of these people are so drunk they'll be pooping on the couch before the night is over." I laughed so hard and I hated my laugh. It was so deep and sounded like a rich mans laugh. Eww.

He started laughing at me and telling me how funny my laugh was. As if I didn't know.

We talked about things and the party and danced alot. His hands never left my hips and I had no problem with that.

Nothing can go wrong now. I thought

Until I heard sirens.


Ohhhh shitt.

It goes down in the dm.

or the police department.

THANKS FOR 2,000 READS!!!!!!!!!!

love you guys


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